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baby teeth
by Vannessa
Vannessa, Glad Loki is ok...I bet that was very stressful for you. I thank my lucky stars Buster has had no problems with his teeth.
Note:I've noticed there is another Linda at Q&A, so I will now sign as Linda R.
Libby & Buster
Baby teeth usually come out on their own by @ 8 need to have them pulled any sooner !
Vannessa, Rudy had five teeth pulled when he was in for neutering. Vet said he didn't use them for eating so it wouldn't bother him. He was right. Ate like a horse that night! We humans are such whimps! Glad to hear Loki is doing well and mom has survived.
You're lucky----I took my 7 mo old pup in to do the same thing--and he died
Dear Jo, We are all so sorry to hear of your loss. Probably, nobody knows what to say to you. We are sure you are in alot of pain, which is why you turned to this site. If you would like to talk about it, we are always here. We don't know what happened to your baby, however, we are here to listen. I almost lost my Chloe to vaccinations. Please talk to us about what happened. I am new to this site, but I think my new friends would be able to help you.
Dear Jo,My sincerest symapthies. We lost our 2 year old baby from her vaccination ( a booster which resulted in autoimmune disease). She died 2 months ago and last week we got our new little fur ball. Have you read the essay by Eugene O'Neill, "The Last Will and Testament of anExtremely Distinguished Dog." ? I found it very comforting and it helped me realize that despite the pain, I should get another babykins. The dog in the essay writes," I have heard my Mistress say,' when Blemie dies we must never have another dog. I love him so much I could never love another one.' Now I would ask her, for love of me, to have another. It would be a poor tribute to my memory never to have a dog again. What I would like to feel is that , having once had me in the family now, she cannot live without a dog!"
Linda R.
Dear Jo: I am so sorry for your loss. I have read many times that what happened to your little one could happen to these little guys, usually from incorrect usuage of anesthetic. Dreading that something awful would happen I very nearly didn't go through with it. However, my vet assured me that all would be well, that they use a gas anesthetic and she specializes in small dogs and cats. I put my trust, and my Loki, in her hands. I hope that at some point, you will feel comfortable and ready enough to get a new baby. The new baby will never take the place of your other Maltese, but with all the love they bring into a family, you can't help but feel better. Again many condolences.