Archived Message
by A.Stiffel
Can anyone advise me on why our Maltese has a discoloration on his nose? He used to have a black nose, and now it has turned slightly beige. Could this be an indication of a disease, or the lack of exposure to sunlight? Any comments would be much appreciated.
This discoloration you are seeing is called 'winter-nose' and it is common for our breed. It is due to the shortening of the amount of sunlight for the day. I am sure there will be other comments on this and I hope this helps you out. P.S. dont fear when it becomes spring again and the days get longer your friends nose will return to it's normal color
-Charity SnoCcrystal Maltese
Hi, I had a yorkie for 13 years and his nose changed colors from black to brown. I was told that it was because he was eating and drinking out of plastic bowls. What happens is the smooth plastic coating wears off the bottom and leaves a worn surface. When Teddy got to the bottom of the bowl his nose would rub against the bottom and the worn surface created a sand paper effect which "sanded " the black off his nose. I thought that was far fetched but I got him some stainless steel bowls and within a few weeks his nose turned back to black.
I have many maltese, and their noses are always black no matter the season. Their runs are shaded so they do not get alot of sunlight. I have always wondered why mine have never experienced "winter nose". The use of a bowl might have something to do with it as dogs have always used a water bottle, and they eat from a shallow feeder or from a glass dish.
-Marsha A.
Thank you all for responding to my question! I will try to get him out in the sun more (we live in Texas, so we really do not experience "winter") and try to change his bowl. I appreciate your help!