bad breath and saliva
by sue
my dog is just over two years old. For the last few months, her breath has gotten malodorous and her saliva is irritating to my skin. I have brushed her teeth religously with a combination of Petrodex, baking soda and chlorhexidine solution. It has helped only minimally. I switched her dog food, and that helped minimally. Her teeth do not appear to have a lot of tartar-they are very white. Does anyone know of any other reason why she should have such bad breath at a young age? Has anyone had any problem with dog food causing bad breath. Her droppings are also very malodorous. Are the two problems related?
Sue,When Rooster's baby tooth was still in his mouth, his breath was so bad we couldn't hardly stand to hold him. I had tried tooth brushing, dential wipes, baking powder, and nothing helped. When he was neutered and had that tooth pulled his breath cleared up compleatly and his tear staining is almost gone. Might have the vet check and see if fur ball has a bad tooth.
I would ask the vet. It can come from his teeths or from his stomach. Something is wrong somewhere. The saliva should not irritate your skin.
Sue, I have the same problem with Angel. She goes in next month for shots and her check up so I was planning on asking the vet then. She was at the vet 6 months ago and her teeth were fine so I can't understand what the problem is. She shows absolutely no signs of illness so I thought it would be OK to wait. If I get an answer, I will post it.
I went to see 6 1]2 weeks old,puppys and I know their in god health. But their breath smeled terrable. So I didn't decide anything yet. My Sweetie-pie,never has that problem.Could it be, because they are new to dog food??
Could the type of dog food I am using be causing her bad breath? I had switched her to Nutro canned and dry about the time her breath got bad. I switched her to Pro Plan, and it seemed a little better, but not much.
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