A little too housebroken
by Vanetta
I trained Tatoo to go outside. He's such a good boy, now I can't get him to go inside on papers. I would like to train him to go inside, especially since winter is approaching. Has anyone had success in doing this? Thanks.
Hi! Sounds like Tatoo is one terrific baby. I have my girl, Bailey, trained to go both inside on the PuppyJohn and outside as well. She does pretty well with this idea but I can see now, she's 1 1/2 yrs old, she seems to be able to hold it longer and will wait when she can till I get home to walk her. So, since it is starting to get colder now I don't take her for late night walks anymore and always reward her when she uses the PuppyJohn with a treat. I think if you purposely don't take him out as much and try the reward system inside it will help especially on those rainey, freezing snowy days to come. Lots of Luck!
It is a big flat plastic pan with a lip that is just right for laying down an opened newspaper. It keeps your floors from getting any pee-smell that might leak through a stack of papers.
Robin D.
Hi: I know what you are saying, KoKo will not have anything to do with the Puppy John and you should see the look on her face when she finds what Shayna has done there. Traveling in our Motor home, well sometimes it would just be more convenient for them to use the Puppy John, but not KoKo she'd rather die. Don't have any suggestions because I've not had success with KoKo, but Shayna was trained both ways at a much younger age.
Thanks for your response. I'll try the treats, that's what I did to get him to go outside. He's gotten "hip" to that old trick. Now he just goes out and looks around and then comes back in turns around a few times and waits for his treat. :) Ya gotta luv 'em!
Vanessa - they are kind of quirky when it comes to using the Puppy John: Otto will use it when he is home alone or at night. If anyone else is home, he will hold it and go outside - no matter how hard it is raining! Good LUck!
valan & otto
The PuppyJohn is an overpriced pice of plastic.
Judy - if you go to Jay's Home page under the Advertiser, scroll down to find the PuppyJohn. Its a great training tool, is made of plastic about the size of an open Times newspaper with a 1 inch lip all around. Good Luck!
Robin D.
Puppy John, sounds like a useful tool! May also help keep papers from scattering all over the floor. I think that you're right about not going when he knows someone can let him out. It may be a good thing for those evenings when I am just running late. Thanks all!! :)
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