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Puppy loves to chew hands
by Patti
Our puppy, Bowser, now 4 1/2 months old, loves to chew on your hands. We try to direct his chewing to toys, which he does, but always ends up back on your hands. Or when you are sleeping, he'll start chewing your hair, or your hands. If you want him to just rest in your lap, you have to hold a chew toy, or else get your hands chewed! He doesn't chew hard, but those little sharp teeth are really a pain! (ha-ha). He did lose a tooth, so maybe it will lessen when he gets his adult teeth? Our other dog never had this problem! He also doesn't chew anything but toys or us, so our furnature and clothing is safe! Anyone had a chewer like this?Need help!Patti & Bowser!


Patti, Buster is a chewer also. But it was worse when he was 5 months old and cutting teeth. He chewed my hands also. I just did as you are doing and redirected his attention to his toys. Buster loves to chew hair too. Still does. Its cute but he pulls hard sometimes. Its a puppy thing..Ha! Buster is now into shredding his stuffed toys. Yes definately a chewer. Getting better though. Just gotta watch him constantly. Good Luck. Buster says to tell Bowser to "go for it". Ha! Licks and Wags
Libby & Buster

Kami is a little over 5 months old, and she's experiencing the same mouthing obsessions as your baby is. She just loves to play "tag" by nipping at your fingers, but those little needle-teeth can really hurt sometimes. We decided it wouldn't be a good "grown-up" habit to get into especially when she nipped daddy in the nose a few nights in a row. Now when she's getting nippy, we get her attention and say "no biting" She has learned very quickly. Now and then she will still start playing a little rough and all it takes is a little reminder and she'll calm down. Now she may put your finger in her mouth, but she won't bite down. I think between 5 and 7 months old they will chew on anything because they are starting to get their secondary teeth, and it just feels good to them to chew. Be patient, I believe they will grow out of this stage.
Lisa Wolfe
Gizmo's full name is Gizmo T. Beauregard. The T stood for TEETH for quite a while, but he's finally outgrown that stage, thank goodness. Now the T stands for TUMMYRUB. One thing I did notice while he was teething/biting - once we got Niki, his bites were much gentler - I guess she told him he was biting too hard!
Tricia R.
Puff is almost 11 months old and she also used to play bite our hands when she was younger. She seems to have grown out of it, though, now she only chews her toys and, if I'm careless, an occasional piece of paper. She would rather just lick the heck out of me now :)
Sandy and Puff
Patti :) Our puppies can easily learn not to bite on human flesh. :) The method that works really well is to let your hand go limp for about 2-3 secs; if the pressure doesnt stop, shout "ouch" & lunge your face at him as you do so. This is exactly what his mother would have done to teach that biting hurts & is unacceptable! It takes only 2 or 3 times of this & Bowser will always remember it :) The second command for 'jump up' nipping & biting (like yr hubby's nose) LOL is to teach the "off" command. Hold a treat between yr index finger & thumb; have Bowser in the 'sit/stay' position; hold the treat concealed close to his nose... when he reaches for it say "off" - softly; never any need to shout :) Then say "take it" or "ok" or whatever. Start with only 3 secs & progress to 5, then 10, etc. This absolutely trains them that jumping on people & pulling at their clothing, etc, is unacceptable. It wont be long before he understands that nipping or chewing humans is not good manners - even when they're asleep! :) Good luck!
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