Itch, Itch, really bad
by PK
Help, Rooster scratches his little mouth, in the corners, until it bleeds. I have put a cream the vet gave me for it and it clears it right up. But then he does it againg. Could it be his rawhide bone???? The vet has no idea. Do you any of you have this happening??? Any help would be appericated.
PK: KoKo does a lot of scratching near her ears and mouth area. I always check the area out and see nothing nor is there an irritation. However, the Vet said her ears get irriated inside from long ear hairs and that is what she is trying to scratch. Last week someone put up a post about pulling ear hairs, well if I don't keep her's pulled she's uncomfortable and scratches. Check out his ears. Hope I have helped you.
Hi PK, I don't know if this will help or not, but we spray our Maltese with pennyroyal oil mixed with water. I take a spray bottle (small) and put about 10 drops of pennyroyal oil in the water and mist her all over. The fleas and bugs hate the smell of this stuff. We live in Arkansas (very populated with fleas) and she has not had one flea or bug all summer. You can get the pennyroyal oil at your health food store or maybe they could order it for you. (It is rather expensive, I might add.) Hope this helps. PatR
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Please bear in mind when reading topics pertaining to health issues, that most of these questions were answered by helpful Maltese owners with no formal education in veterinary medicine. When in doubt seek a professionals advise.