Teeth Cleaning?
by Ruben
Let's get real, who really has chicken flavored toothpaste for their little to use with a read toothbrush? I have it and used it once. They're got to be an easier was (perhaps the groomers). Do we really have to clean her teeth? And do you (really)? Thanks
Ruben, I have the chicken flavored toothpaste and special doggy toothbrush, but before I had a chance to use it I discovered Maxiguard Dental Spray. It is an oral spray that is supposed to discourage plaque build-up on the teeth and is also a breath freshener. I have been using it for 2 mos. on Emma who is now 5 mos. The vet said to go ahead and use it on her baby teeth. She has no plaque at this point, but will have to use it longer to see if it really works. As to the importance of brushing their teeth, it is critical to the health and well being of your maltese. Unhealthy gums and teeth can lead to other health problems and may shorten their life span! It is a difficult thing to do when they squirm and wiggle, but it is soooooo important!
Laurie & Emma
I do not brush Noah's teeth. That is because he chews on those nylon wishbones and the floss rope. I do keep an eye on his teeth and I encourage him to chew because he enjoys it so much, and it really keeps his teeth clean. The vet was amazed
at how great his teeth looked at his checkup. I did introduce Noah to a toothbrush and he loves to chew on those, too.
April B
Okay, I admit it. I don't brush Beau and Maisy's teeth. However, Beau just got six baby teeth pulled and they cleaned the teeth too. The double teeth caused alot of plaque buildup for such a young dog. I am planning on reforming myself and start brushing. Have any of you used the dental tooth wipes I've seen in catalogues? That seems to be alot easier.
Tricia, Beau and Maisy
I just had an old girl have a dental visit to the vet. She has been stiff and slow moving like from old age, but after having a couple of teeth pulled and a good cleaning and doses of antibiotic she is acting young again. This demonstrates how important dental health is. I thought she was getting arthritic! My vet explained to me that dogs don't get cavities (cats do) but they get this serious gum disease, especially toy dogs. Even all your brushing cannot completely prevent it so be sure to occasionally have a professional cleaning at the vets. They get right under the gum line to remove junk that you can't reach. I have two more going in Monday.
Mary Lou
Brush your baby's teeth whether he likes it or not. My dog is almost 12 years old....I didn't brush his teeth cause he didn't like it....now we are barely keeping them in his mouth. He gets them brushed even though he hates it, and cleanings every 6 months. All you are doing is protecting him....my vet says that they are susceptible to gum infection, because their teeth are so small...that they don't exactly have the healthiest teeth in the dog world. They do get more and more accustomed to the practice the more that you do it. Buddy doesn't resist nearly like he did. Good luck! It will get easier.
Hi, Ruben,Yes, dental care is really important, especially for Maltese, who aren't known for great dental health! It's just a matter of getting into a routine. I spend a few minutes doing Touquet's teeth at bed time each night (with chicken-flavoured toothpaste and a puppy toothbrush). I hold him in my lap, and use a cup of water to rinse the brush. I try to be gentle, and Touquet has gotten to the point where he reminds me if I forget to do his teeth! I also give him CET dental chews, which are treated with a dental enzyme (under supervision only). Good luck!
Barbara & Touquet
I brush Austin's teeth because he has had to have his teeth cleaned by the veterinarian twice in his 2 1/2 years of life. Each time they had to pull teeth. This first time it was only baby teeth and the second it was a tooth that was crowding the others. I made a committment to brush his teeth because I do not want him to have anesthesia for the procedure. We use the CET toothpaste (prescribed by the vet) and supplement the cleaning with CET Chews on days we don't brush. He really likes it now. I say "Austin, want to get your teeth brushed?" and he gets really excited. I let him lick the toothpaste off the brush afterwards. He thinks it is a treat!!!
Terre W
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Please bear in mind when reading topics pertaining to health issues, that most of these questions were answered by helpful Maltese owners with no formal education in veterinary medicine. When in doubt seek a professionals advise.