bleeding toe nail..ouch!
by Jennifer and Tanner
Okay, please ease my mind...I was giving tanner his weelky bath and monthly paw massage. well, my husband was holding Tanner while I clipped his nails. Tanner jumped and at that second...CLIP.....ouch!( it clipped halfway down the pink part) He was bleeding and bleeding! My question is, will he be okay? will he get an infection? will he need his nail removed? I should have taken him to the vet right away. Please help me!
before Tanner never forgives me......
Did Tanner cry ? Probably not. Don't panic. This happened to me also once when I cut my late lhasas' nails. I was more upset than he was. Never cut his nails again. Haven't cut Alex's nails either. I am scared it will happen again. Don't worry he will not get an infection and he will be fine.
If you get the bleeding stopped there should be no problem with infection. All that blood pushes out any bacteria that might have been hanging around. Be sure you purchase a good product to apply to the cut nail when this happens, to stop bleeding. In a pinch I have used cornstarch from the kitchen. Along with applying some pressure to the cut tip it helps. Your fur child might be a little reluctant next time so work on his other feet for a while before you come back to that one. He will not hate you if you tell him what a big boy he is as you cut each nail. Even stop after each foot for a cookie reward.
Mary Lou
Jennnifer, as long as the bleeding is stopped then Tanner should be fine. The nail will grow back and you can continue with the nail clipping. Cornstarch is a great alternative to Styptic powder - but of course now all is done... I think we are all constantly afraid that this will happen, but it's not a horrible thing and it does heal up! Phoebe sends you licks!
Leslie R
I know what you mean! I break out in a cold sweat every time I have to trim my babies' nails. I finally decided it was worth the $8 or so to have someone else do it. They might clip them a little close, but at least it's not ME that made the ow-y!
I can tell you, though, if you're nervous about, it will not help Tanner calm down. He will be just as jumpy as you are. It certainly isn't a pleasure, but I've seen what happens if you don't keep them trimmed, from destroying property, scratching themselves, you, and it makes if painful to walk. Imagine your fingernails being pushed backward. Ouch!
Good luck!
Lisa Wolfe
Jennifer, I am a big coward. I take Tiffini to the groomer once a month for a complete grooming. I bathe her in between but I feel she deserves a professional job once a month. I enjoy going to the hair dresser so I feel she enjoys this also. My groomer is so nice and she pampers her all the time she is there. Maybe you could try this if you have one that is really kind & caring. Good Luck in whatever you do.
Betty & Tiffini
Jennifer: I know exactly what you are saying, trimming KoKo's nails is a royal project. On the other hand, Shayna lays back as if to say "just do me Mom and I'd better be pretty". Last time I cut KoKo's nails I remembered what I learned on the Video I bought on this website. I put her on my lap belly up and could not believe how she let me work on her. When I take her to a groomer (just to pull ear hairs and cut nails) it takes 3 people to hold her. Would you say she has an attitude? My daughter said she made her puppy bleed cutting her nails and used soap to stop it, it worked great. Keep trying, sometimes I only get 2 nails a paw, but I keep going back day after day until its done.
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