Archived Message

Eye stain
by Kim Nisbet
Sooty is 15mths old(desexed female) and has just recently started to have brown stain appear in the corner of both eyes. It appears to be a bit of an irritation. We have tried washing it away with salty water but to not avail. I tried the archives but all the pages wouldn't load. Hoping for an answer.


Kim, in your case, I would take Sooty to the vet, since you say the eye area seems iritated. She may have an infection. If she doesnt, you will have to either live with the staining or try the many products on the market for tear staining, or make up one of your own. Good luck. :)
Sandy and Puff

My Baby's black streaks were so unattractive that I took her to the vet for help. He suggested an antibiotic may work but did not recommend it for purely cosmetic reasons as was our case. 3 Years later she was put on an antibiotic for a urinary tract infection and her eyes miraculously cleared up and now 2 years later her face is still white! Not sure it would work in every case..but what a difference it made for us!
Linda T
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