One Dirty Ear
by Judy M
About 2 weeks ago I noticed that one of Binky's ears has some wax buildup (not much) but the other ear is squeaky clean. She never shakes her head or scratches or does anything to suggest that the waxy ear hurts her. She doesn't complain when I clean either ear. My vet looked in both her ears right around the time I started noticing this and saw nothing wrong. Does anyone have any idea why Binky has uneven wax?
Hello! I'm new to this site, thanks to a friend. I have owned
Maltese for nearly 23 years. My first two had regular grooming,
my third I did myself. I now have one that has regular dirty ears. I gently use a cotton swab, and clean what I can. I always have the vet check when I have a question or ear has any odor. My
third maltese died at two years. Our guess, after 5 trips to
Ohio State Univ. Vet school is that she had an inner ear infection that went to her brain. We're not sure, but an educated guess. Always keep these dogs ears clean!
Cheryl W
Hi Judy! Has Binky been groomed recently? Cody developed some wax problems after his last grooming because the groomer put a bit too much grooming powder in one ear. (How many times can I use 'groom' in one sentence?!! Ha!) Anyway, it's just a thought.
MB & Cody
You can conquer the waxy situation with a good ear cleaner like "oti cleans " every week and after she shakes her head sqeeze ear powder in the canal and pull out the hair ! Always use ear powder after bathing to dry ear! You cannot use too much powder ( it won't hurt a thing).
When Maggie was at the vet this last time(got really sick), the vet game me some liquid cleaning to put in her ears after a bath or just whenever. It smells great and cleans out the wax in the ear canal. I asked the vet about pulling the hair, and she said that really isn't that good of an idea. She says that it is very painful for the dog. Maggie just hates me cleaning her ears, so this bottle of stuff is really great. I just bought it right at the vets office.
Jennifer & Maggie
One of my babies has waxy ears, the other has crystal clean ears! I have been using a liquid but it smells horrible! The ears dont smell - just the liquid!!! Please tell me more about the powder! I havent been doing that! The breeder plus our vet has said to keep the ear hairs plucked. Is there more I should know about whether to have this done or not? Does anyone trim the long hairs from the middle portion of their ears? (fluff ball's ears?)Oh maltebibbles! I need to learn more about ears! lol Will check back after I visit the archives :))
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Please bear in mind when reading topics pertaining to health issues, that most of these questions were answered by helpful Maltese owners with no formal education in veterinary medicine. When in doubt seek a professionals advise.