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car restraints
by Judy S
I'd appreciate info. on how you restrain your furballs in the car on both short and long trips. I have 2 of them, and hate having to schlep the crate around for quick trips, but I'd really like to get them used to going out with me alot. I read about a car seat in the archives, but that doesn't seem much safer than sitting on the seat or floor. Thanks in advance.


Judy, I did invest in the car seat just because Lucy would slip and slide on the regular seat even when I would put a blanket or towel down. Before the seat, I would put her harness and leash on and tie her to the seat belt. That way she could lay down or sit up, but she couldn't get thrown into the dash in case I had to stop quickly. I had that happen with my previous baby and it really scared me. Luckily she wasn't hurt. I have not let my dogs ride unrestrained since. Lucy actually whimpered less when I had her crated. The car seat is new, so I'm waiting to see if she gets use to it.

Phoebe travels in her crate - period. She is comfortable and feels at home in her safe spot, it also makes it easier for times at whatever destination we arrive at. I consider her my baby and would not even consider not having her properly restrained in the car, just like a child needs to be in a car seat.
Leslie R
You can get pet seatbelts that allow them to sit or lie down while buckled up. Any of your vet supply catalogs will have them.
Judy. I have a car seat for Tiffini and she stays in it all the time, She has been in it since a puppy. It is very secure. Once we had stuff in the back seat & had to move it, she was very disoriented. Had to hold her. She feels safe in her seat. My friend got one for her Yorkie but she will not stay in it. Maybe b/c she was older & not used to it. Goodluck on whatever you try. Betty & Tiffini
Betty Scarver
I have a harness that doubles as a seat-belt, a loop on the top that you slip the seatbelt through. If you have to stop suddenly, they cannot fall onto the floor or bang into the front seat. I travel in the car everyday with my baby and it concerns me as to where Bailee should sit. He always sits in the back because of the airbags in front, but the other day some loony nearly rear-ended me and I got really worried.
I have harnesses for both of mine, and they ride in the back seat. I ordered one from a pet supply catalog and bought the other one from my groomers, who also sell pet supplies. The only problem we have is my male who likes to turn around and around before he lays down. That causes the strap to get shorter and shorter. I have been known to pull over to unwind him on occasions. Still, it is definitely worth the effort to have them anchored in the car.
Karen, E.B. & Lilli
Judy the Beasties have harnesses with a loop for the seatbelt to go through (like CMS has for Bailee). They also have these cute sheepskin car seats which hook over the back seat (we have an old stationwagon)or apparently you can hook them over the back of the front seat. They wear their harnesses for short trips, for long trips (we don't do many) they ride in their seats with their harnesses all connected up . The seats are really nifty and were only about $12, please e-mail me (I'm in the Forum Users directory)if you want more info about the seats. They never travel in the car without their harnesses - we only bought the seats for them because we thought they'd like to see out the window.
Deanna (Moose & Squirrel)
Judy, I've just returned from vacation (literally... 2 hrs ago) and Baxter and Rudy did so great with the seatbelts I got for them before we left. I found them in the back of Dog Fancy magazine. There is a website ( that shows a picture of them. They're so simple and they both adapted to them really well. We loaded up the back seat and put their cushions on top so they could see out the windows - got a lot of people smiling and pointing. Check it out.
Deanna - yes I wud like to know more about the seats! Marie... doesnt open... any suggestions?
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