by karen west
I have an older dog neutered male that I rescued (found him running up the middle of a heavily traveled street) and have had for several years. The vet guesses him to be around nine now. He has begun developing numerous warts. The vet says its common in older Maltese. They're pink and generally no problem unless he scratches one and causes it to bleed. Does anyone else have this problem? Also, is there a web site for adopting Maltese. I'm retiring within six months and moving in with my daughter and won't be able to take Bear. I desperately need to find him a home.
I owned a Maltese that had these wart/growths. It seemed like she did develop them as she grew older and had many more in her later years. Don't worry a bit about them -- Tiki lived to be 18 years old and was a wonderful dog. The warts did not bother her. Good luck finding Bear a home...it is so wonderful that you took the dog in!
Hi, I posted something not too long ago about warts. My dog has them too. I wish I could take Bear. I would love to have zillions of pets, but my husband doesn't think we need any more. (We have our Maltese and two rabbits.)What state are you in?
Karen, How are you doing with finding a home for Bear? Also, I wouldn't worry about the warts. My last dog had them for years and they never caused her a problem. Good luck.
Trish & Heidi
Karen, I would submit another post about Bear, I don't think too many people are reading this one because its about warts. Also there is an advertiser section to this site you can put something about Bear in, that's a shame you can't keep the little guy...
Not only maltese get these warts,I know a dog with three warts and it is not a maltese.It is a mut so it may be a maltese but I really don't think so ,the dog is to big. these warts only started to come when it was 12 years old.
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Please bear in mind when reading topics pertaining to health issues, that most of these questions were answered by helpful Maltese owners with no formal education in veterinary medicine. When in doubt seek a professionals advise.