Wet Willie!
by Andrew
Hi guys! I have another question about little Bailey. He's all better now and over the giardia, thank heaven! I'm just wondering now why Bailey's little willie is constantly wet. He doesn't have any difficult urinating and doesn't chew at it or lick it, and the leaking is staining the fur on his belly! I read somewhere that it is a sign of submission to the dominant, or alpha of the pack (which would be me), and if this is the case, will he grow out of it or have a chronic wet pee-pee?
Andrew, he might be incontinent. Just a thought to check out.
Andrew, My Bailee had a similiar problem sometime ago (he is now nearly 2). Unfortunately, I cannot remember the exact diagnosis now (as I have so many other health problems with him since then), but I do remember I had to control his water intake ie. only one cup per day. Good luck!
Hi! I'm glad you brought up the dominant/submission pack thing. Otto did that, too - for a while. He would dribble a bit when greeting me. The dribbling stopped - and he is dry down there except just after he hs peed. (Now, believe it or not, he does that paw-extended submissive greeting - with both paws. It looks like he is bowing down to me - it is hysterical; especially because he has his "smiling/laughing face on when he does it)
How bad could a little discoloration be on his belly? I think all white-haired male dogs have a little off-color there. What are you going to do? Wash him off several times a day? Not me.
If this wet-problem doesn't diminish, see your vet. In the meantime you might want to try some techniques to mold that submissive behavior. Most good dog-training/animal behavior shaping manuals have a section on submissive behavior. Good Luck!
valan & otto
I noticed my Chloe May developing this same problem this spring. I think it is due more to her squating in grass wet with dew in the morning or after a rain etc. I started wiping her feet off before she goes back in the house and wiping her dry underneath too with a clean dry towel. That seemed to correct the problem. She is dry in the house after that. You might watch the ground and grass conditions where he is wetting.
annie & chloe may
Andrew: I'm not sure about the submission. I guess the best thing is to talk to your vet. I just had Ty neutered yesterday and the vet mentioned a slight discharge coming from Ty's willie (as you call it). I had noticed that the hair around his willie stayed hard and dirty but did not realize that it was from a discharge. I never had this problen with my other male Maltese but Ty's hair is a lot thicker and I thought that might be why he always seem to have a wet willie with the hair drying and becoming hard. The vet said that the discharge is some type of infection. Not really a bladder infection or any thing serious but he has put him on antibotics to clear this up. I do not know if this is the same problem your little one is having but it would probably pay to have the vet check it out if it continues. I can tell you this. My 3 yr old male Maltese, Pete, does not have a wet willie so I do not think it is normal.
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