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Bad Reaction Rabie Shot?
by Terri
My Jessie has had 2 bad reactions to her rabies shots. She throws up afterwards and pants all night. She also shakes off (like shes shaking off water - not like shes cold). However, the next morning she is fine. She never had a reaction to the first puppy shots until the rabie shot. Then again during the 1st year booster shot. I forgot to tell the vet about it the second time. When I called him the next am, she was ok. I'm wondering if anyone else has had reactions to rabies shots. Also, could it have been from the lepto? But I think they gave her that first. The rabies shot is given last when they are puppies. She was ok with the first shots. Anyone had similar responses? I'm worried about the next shot. I definately won't forget to tell the vet this time!


Alex got his first rabies shot at 14 weeks (it's early, but it is a new law in Texas). With it he also got distemper, parvo and corona. He was fine. But of course he did not get lepto. He got a booster parvo at 9 months. Here in Texas rabies shots are given once a year. In Arizona it's every two years. His next vaccination is in september. By the way, he got the "killed virus" producer "Pfizer" for the rabies shot.

Bee Bee also had a terrible reaction to his first rabies shot. He just laid down like he was dying and you could not touch him or he would yell that went on for about 2 days. It was a weekend and I could not reach the vet. I left mesj for the vet but he never called me. I finally heard from him on Monday. Needless to say I would not return to that vet because in my opinion he just didnt care and I wouldnt trust Bee Bee in his care. We have a new vet. Bee Bee recently went for his booser rabies shot and I mentioned it to the new vet who assured me that he might have a slight reaction but usually this is the care with puppies. Well Bee Bee did have the same reaction this time, however, it only lasted one night the next morning he was fine. I think some of these little ones dont handle that shot too well. I am sure your little one will be fine. Good luck
Bernadette & Bee Bee
Bernadette, was the vaccine your dog received and reacted so badly to a rabies only vaccine? Just curious, since I have heard of reaction to other vaccines (especially lepto which I would never give a maltese in this country (USA)) but not to rabies alone. I know that Pfizer makes a killed rabies vaccine and I believe that all the manufacturers make the killed version for rabies.(safer than the modified live). My vet does not give the rabies until 6 months and Bailey is going this week ( a few weeks early ) since we will be vacationing in Acadia National Park and I did not want Bailey going without his rabies vaccine).
Linda R
Hi Terri, You may want to have your Vet run a blood test & check the Liver #'s. We lost our first Maltese to the Lepto shot! She was comatose the day after her shots, and later we found out that it had totally destroyed her liver. ( No, we couldn't prove it, but that was the only thing she ever had a reaction to, and she was never really sound after that.) She seemed to get, sort of, back to normal, then a month later she couldn't hold regular food down, then she couldn't hold anything down. I came home at lunch one day to check on her and she had a seizure, then another at the vets, then another. We ended up putting her down--the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I know this sounds very scary, but I'd have the vet run a blood test, and just check the liver #'s to make sure they're ok. Young pups will often have some liver #'s a little off--this is normal since they're growing, but our little one's #'s actually went off the scale! I had no idea at the time what a Lepto shot was or that many small, ( and I think white) dogs have reactions to this vaccine. I also didn't know that Vets give it, unless you ask them specifically not to. Nor did I know at the time that there hasn't been a case of Lepto in Calif. for twentysomething years!!! Totally unnecessary for an indoor dog in Calif. to have this vaccine. Anyway, do some research on Lepto & other vaccines, and have your baby checked. Our new baby, Jewel, just had her annual round of shots, less the rabies which are not due yet, and NO Lepto of course, and she did fine. I was a little nervous, but she showed no reaction at all. Another thing you may want to think about is "when" you get the shots done. Schedule them on a weekday, early in the day, and be sure your vet is open the following day. Also, plan on spending the rest of the day with her, so you're able to watch for anything abnormal. I just reread this and I hope it doesn't sound too terrible, I don't want to panic anyone, just hope that I can spare someone else what we went through. Give the little one a big hug from us.Take Care,Sally
My vets have always agreed that the pups should not get all their shots on one day. The combination for distemper et al. is enough and then come back next week for the rabies if necessary. In some states Lepto. is a must if your dogs go outside because of the prevalance of mice and rats which carry the Lepto. But that shot can be given separately if needed. I give mine in with the combined however and never have a problem with the tinies because my vet. believes in giving a dose smaller than the full amount to the tinies. A bigger Maltese might get the whole thing. I never could understand why a Maltese that lives in a high rise condo and never walks the street would need a rabies shot anyway. Where is she going to get it? From a high rise bat, maybe?? But the law is the law. In our state there is a provision for the vet because of medical reasons or old age to state that the dog cannot have the rabies shot. Talk to your vet about it again.
mary lou
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