Heartguard Alternative?
by valan
Hi, guys! HEELLLPPP!!!Otto absolutely REFUSES to eat his chewable Heartguard - even if I cut it in thirds, smother it in peanutbutter, sandwich it in meat, etc. Isn't there a litle pill? (not a daily one). I cant get past the receptionist at my vets - she says they only prescribe the chewables. and she won't budge.
HELP! I need a name of a pill i can administer once a month and where I can get it!Thanx! Otto ( stubborn beastie!) thanks you too!
Valan: Sounds like you need to change vets or he needs a new receptionist. The vet I had used for years always use the little pill that Pete took very easy. I have changed Vets (my best friend went to work at another vet's office and I changed to that office) This new vet only prescribes the chewable tablets and I am having trouble getting Pete and Ty to take them. I just called and they gave me the name of several area vets that give the pills. The vet had no problem with me wanting the pill vs the tablet. Sorry but I am at work and I can not remember the name of the pills but your vet should be able to help you (if you can get by the receptionist) Good luck
Is heartguard the same thing as Heartworm prevention? If it is - yes, my boys take tiny tablets once a month and if your vet won't give it to you - go to another vet! i can't get either of mine to take chewable "horsepills" either.
betty & turbo & diesel
Valan, I've recently been experiencing the same problem with Comet. All last year he ate them. I've tried slicing, dicing etc. He would just lick off the peanut butter and spit it out. On July first I got out the Zyliss chopper and chopped it into smithereens, mixed it with peanutbutter and it was inhaled. I only hope it stayed down, because once he vomited it! I think there's a pill, but Comet won't even eat his Program pill, so that went into the Heartguard mixture. Picky, picky,picky, but O how much I love Comet and care for his health!
Belle & Valan: the pills are called Interceptor and I use them for the same reason. The pills are really tiny and it's pretty easy to stick in the back of their throat.
Hi, Valan, Yes, Heartguard comes in both chewable and pill form. I know, because the first time Touquet had them, the vet's office was supposed to give me chewables, but gave me pill form instead. Now I use the chewables because Touquet prefers them to pills, but you shouldn't have a problem getting the pill form if that works better for you!
Barbara & Touquet
Valan, Baxter and Rudy get Interceptor and they love it. It's administered once a month and they eat them like they're candy. In fact, I have to put them in separate rooms when I give them the pill because one of them might eat the other's. By the way, vet receptionists are a pet peeve of mine. Don't get me going...
Sara, also takes Interceptor. I get it from my vet. It is very small, I put a little peanut butter on it and she never knows that she takes its. I have the same problem with vitamins. The vitamins that I get from the vet are large chewable ones. Sara won't take them even with peanut butter. Does anyone know a good small vitamin that she might take. The vet says if her diet is not a least 1/2 dog food that she should take a vitamin and I am feeding her the maltese recipes.
Valan, I would beat feet to a new vet! However, Foster & Smith do carry the pill form and with a prescription from your vet they can send them to you. The vet can either call it in or write it out for you and you can mail it to them. Their phone # is (800) 826-7206 and the item is Interceptor, a package of six tablets is $8.99+shipping. But of course your vet's receptionist will have to assist you the number for them to call with the prescription information is (800) 562-7169.
Leslie R
Valan, another alternative besides the Interceptor is Sentinel (also kills flea eggs and most other intestinal worms). The size the Beasties take isn't tiny, it's the second smallest size (there is a smaller one for dogs less than 4 kg....the Beasties weigh 5 kg - about 11 lb) but they swallow it whole if I disguise it. Normally I smother it in peanut butter and they think its a treat but this month the sneaky things licked off the peanut butter and left the pill....I had to wrap it in some cheese for success! Try ringing around a few vets to find one who sells pills.....sounds like you vet could do with some competition.
Deanna (Moose & Squirrel)
Heartguard does come in pill form BUT it only takes care of heartworms. The chewable takes care of heartworms and other worms also.
Dottie & Tasha
Noah is also on the Interceptor, monthly. He thinks its candy, too.
April B
My Loki takes the Interceptor, it not only protects against heartworm, but hookworm, roundworm and whipworm. It is a very tiny pill. When I first started giving them to Loki, I gave it like a pill (putting it at the back of his throat and massaging) then I read on this page that some dogs love the taste and tried just feeding it to him. He loves them. Good Luck!!
Valan.....my vet gave me interceptor for heartworm protection.....there tiny green pills and there flavored.....no add ons needed......Dakota gobbles it up with no looking back she cant wait for the 15th of the month! hope this helps
Thank you everyone for the solution to my problem! Interceptor it is! I hope Otto gobbles it up, too!
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