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Not Really Neutered
by Stephanie
Ok...this is an awkward subject for me to discuss, but I am desperate here. Dusty, my 4 year old boy, was neutered (or so I thought) about 3 years ago. Well, was I surprised when I found my little baby boy in some compromising positions. Pardon my lack of tact here as I do not know how to say this, but several times, I have found him fully "erected". The probelm is, it happens with great frequency & has the tendency to get stuck out, leaving Dusty very uncomfortable. My new vet said that there was the possibility of a retained testicle in Dusty's abdomen (when I asked my former vet about this, he said Dusty was just displaying his dominance). Has anyone else experienced this problem? If so, how did you treat it? I know surgery may be my only answer here, but if anyone has any advice, I would surely appreciate. I hate the thought of having to put Dusty through another procedure, but this is becoming a problem--not as much for me but for him. (Again, I apologize for anything offensive here.) Thanks so much...I look forward to hearing your responses. By the way, isn't it nice to have the forum back?!


Hi Stephanie- My year and one half old maltese, Nitro, was neutered at 6 months. I watched the procedure so I know for fact that both his testicles were removed. Two months ago I adopted a one year old female maltese, Marsha. I have frequently seen Nitro mount Marsha. Occasionally he has been fully erect. However, unlike Dusty, it does not seem to give Nitro any discomfort and goes away within about 1 minute of me catching him. My understanding is that neutering doesn't necesarily eliminate their tendancy to mount, etc., it only eliminates their ability to reproduce.

I'm glad you asked that question. I have the same problem with Jack. Although not to the extreme you have it. I guess you can say Jack gets half as happy as dusty. He does seem to still get excited even though he has been fixed. I'm not sure if this is a problem or not. I look forward to anyone who has some advice.
Chris and Jack
Fancy Boy was neutered at 7 months. When this was done, ony his testicles were removed, not his other working part. So, therefore, it still works. I think for that to stop, an animal would have to be castrated. Now that he is older, this only happens when I come home from work and he is dancing around. He does not mount anything, though.
Sherry & Fancy Boy
Cubbie had a retained testicle that was removed when he was neutered, however, he still mounts and guess who he does that to...our male CAT for crying in a bucket! He occasionally gets the other "thing" you mentioned too (I am blushing, HA!)
Felicia & Cubbie
Hi.Yes, this is the same thing I have been dealing with. I had both my boys (Turbo and Diesel - father and son) neutered almost 1 year ago. But, it doesn't stop them from getting "excited" or trying to mount the female that my brother has. Diesel - having never actually mated - doesn't care who he mounts, ie. he tries with his father - but his father usually gives clear warning that this is not allowed. After neutering - my brother's female went into heat and Turbo had a full encounter with her - more than once, which left his "erection" out like your boy's. I called the vet and they said it's normal to stay out for a few hours, but if at that point, it doesn't go in, i needed to bring him in. Of course, i eventually brought him in with his erection had blown up like a balloon. The vet told me that it was caught from retracting back into place by the hair on the tip of his penis. they used an antibiotic ointment (you can use vaseline) and slipped it back in by pulling the skin over it and then removing all the hair at the tip of his opening. They said i was lucky that i brought him in becuase the fact that "it" was outside meant it was drying out and it could have "fallen off" - which is hard to picture, but it's basically what i was told. Diesel didn't have this problem since he didn't "get lucky". They advised me to keep the hair trimmed down around that area and to use vaseline if it happens again and pull the skin up and over it. I haven't seen it get stuck unless he actually mates with the female. Neutering has NOT lessened their "desire" to reproduce at all....but it has avoided another litter.
Betty and Turbo and Diesel
Hi everyone--we had some discussion about this a while back (check to see if you find anything in the archives). Bottom line is that neutering removes only the capability of producing babies, not the desire or (ahem) the other thing. I didn't know this either. My Carty has a bunny that he loves in that fashion and one day I saw him just happened to see him while he was still in this "studly" condition. To tell the truth, I thought somthing had happened to him "down there" and had the phone in my hand calling the vet before my brain kicked in with the appropriate info (thank GOD that happened BEFORE I got the vet!). So it is a normal thing. If, however, you think your little one is also in pain or whatever, perhaps a vet check is in order.
cathy brown
Boy, did the conversations deteriorate while I was gone for three weeks!! Ditto on Cathy's response. Another reason other than displaying dominance is excitement...not necessarially of a sexual nature. And then again, some dogs just enjoy it!
anne hudson
Stephanie, my Baxter and Rudy (both neutered) mount each other during play all the time. Nothing emerges during this play, however, when I'm grooming Baxter, he always has a little surprise for me when I get to the belly. Go figure that one! Betty, my sister had the same experience with her German Shorthair Pointer. Bigger dog, bigger problem, if you get my drift. Poor Axel banged it against every step coming up the cellar stairs. My sister could only cringe (and my brother-in-law cried a little). It took several hours to "retract".
Thanks everyone! I knew I could count on this site for some advice! When Dusty's problem "arises" it is, in fact, very painful. He doesn't let me or mu husband anywhere near him. Our vet told us to put a cold rag on the base of it or an ice-pack, but Dusty snaps & growls at us & runs and hides. Of course, this only happens when he gets to spend time alone with his girlfriend Maxi, a large mutt who lives outside (she is solid black!). Dusty has never mounted a person or any other object--just Maxi (yes, she has been spayed). Despite the worry, it is rather cute as she will lay by the door and wait for Dust to come outside. My husband keeps joking, saying we should have a wedding for the 2 lovers as neither of them show an interest in any other dogs!!! Anyway, the vet is continually monitoring the situation. I am, however, wondering if Dusty is "potent" if, in fact, he is retaining a testicle? Thanks again!
I now this is a serious problem and very uncomfortable for the dogs, but I haven't laughed this much in days.
Gloria, I'm glad that my little Dusty could bring some comedic relief. I'm sure you needed a good laugh after everything you've been going through with Spanky!!!! Anyway, we've only had one "problem" since I've posted this. Dusty hid under the jeep, covered with mud. My husband, myself & my father had to get him (with me crawling under the jeep, avoiding Dusty's ferocious growls & snarls--lol) and I was the lucky one who applied the ice pack. All it took was a touch! As long as I know how to deal with it & know where Dusty is so that I can get to him, it isn't so bad. I have been monitoring him outside to try & avoid any uncomfortable situations.
Stephanie Be careful about it occuring in dirty areas. ie. if "it" is outside and he is hovering in dirty areas ie. mud - then when it does retract- it can carry themud in with it and it MIGHT lead to infections or other problems of that nature. Whenthis occurred with Turbo-he was definitely indiscomfrot. Turbo however, is a wonderful dog and can tolerate a lot ofpain- he almost never cries - so when he does - i know it must be really really serious. When this occurred - he did a lot of cringing at my touch - i felt terrible - butit had to be done.
betty & turbo & diesel
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