Scratching but no fleas
by Kathy
Sounds like he may be allergic to something - maybe grass, pollen or food, or even the Advantage. Do you have any known allergens like rye grass in your area that he could be exposed to? California Natural kibble is supposed to be good for dogs with food allergies (if he does have an allergy) and I think that they may even have a puppy formula. Did the vet think an allergy was possible? You could try mixing a couple of drops each of essential oils of lemon and chamomile into water in a small (1.5 to 2 oz) clean spray bottle (use filtered or bottled water) and massaging that in, it may help to lessen the itch. If Opal sees your post she probably has some good herbal anti-itch remedies suitable for a puppy.
Deanna (Moose & Squirrel)
I am no expert on this, but perhaps your pup is having a reacion to Advantage and/or his booster shots. I suspect that he might be overdosing on all these medications (Advantage, vaccines and anti-inflammatories). He also might have some type of allergy. I would try another vet who considers the cause of the irritation and treats that, not just give a remedy for the scratching. Also, look at the ingredients of the food you are feeding. It might contain preservatives, like BHT, which are causing a reation. My best suggestion is to get Dr. Pitcairn's book "The Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats".
Could this be a reaction to shots? Also, it could be parasites of some sort. When Maya was younger, she was doing the same thing, and then after a while, she had evidence of worms. After she was cured of those, she stopped scratching! I never thought about a possible connection there, but it makes sense. Parasites in people can cause itchy skin too, and when I've spoken to people who have been through a parasite cleanse, the itchy skin goes away too. Kind of a disgusting subject, but you've got to look at every possibility.
Did he have fleas prior to using Advantage? Because he might have an allergy to flea bites. My maltese is that way. He doesn't have fleas , but when he gets them (usually when the advantage starts to wear off) I'll take him a bath and that usually gets rid of them and then I put more advantage and he still scratches for about a week. If this isn't the case, maybe he's allergic to something else like his shampoo.
Cubbie scratches sometimes for no apparent reason. I always chalked it up to dry skin. I sometimes massage some of the same lotion I use into his skin, he seems to help. Maybe you could try a different shampoo. Good luck!
Felicia & the Cubster
It sounds like an allergy to something in his enviornment. It could be his food, shampoo, or even something outside. It will take some detective work; begin by asking your vet about food allergy. When is the scratching worse? After eating or after a walk outdoors? My Noah will sometimes scratch for no reason. It is always worse after being outdoors, so I believe he may be allergic to something outside. My vet said that dogs do not get runny noses and coughs as a response to allergy like people do. Itchy skin is what they usually get. Hope you find out what is causing it.
April B
Kathy,Have you thought about trying a new shampoo? It might be that simple. I would start there first.Could also be a allergy.Good Luck!
Debbie Biancardi
Kathy, puppies have very sensitive skin (some more extreme than others). Rudy had the same problem. He scratched constantly. The vet recommended prescription oatmeal shampoo and conditioner with antihistimine. I also went from once a week to every other week bathing. This worked.
My 5 month old, Toby, would wake me up at night with scratching, primarilary around the neck and ear region. Turned out to be ear mites (inside the ear, down in the canal was some very brown waxy stuff). Some ear drops for two weeks seems to have cured the itching. Have you looked inside her ears? Just a thought...
Thanks for all of your replies. I went back to the vet (another one in the same office) as the itching/scratching never stopped. He did not have fleas prior to using the advantage and the vet asked me to wash him less. (I was washing once a week). I was already using a sensitive skin puppy shampoo, but I have now change to the oatmeal base shampoo. He is still eating the Purina One Lamb food for Puppies, which he enjoys so much, I hate to change it. The scratching has slowed up, but has not stopped. We're still working on it. MAx and I both Thank You all so much for your replies.
Kathy & Max
Marie,What conditioner has an antihistimine and where did you get it?
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