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Camping, Any Suggestions?
by Opal, Lalita, & Veba
Camping, Any Suggestions?Well Lalita and I are going camping with two other couples at the end of this month. Ironically the women wanted to 'rough it', and the men (except my friend) wanted all the amenities that came along with living at home. We couldn't see the point, but we came to an agreement. Well since we're going to be in a cabin, I'll be taking Lalita. I'm going to buy one of those backpacks you can get for dogs. So Lalita can come along when we go hiking. Has anyone ever taken any of there pet camping. I'm going to take along a her first aid kit. Is there anything else that I should look out for, or might possibly need. I'm looking forward to it, because I love nature and being outdoors, and so does Lalita. Thanks in advance. Opal, Lalita, & Veba


Opal, I don't know where you live or where you're going camping, but I would watch out for ticks. Have fun and I hope Lalita likes toasted marshmallows!

Opal: We travel in our motor home with both Koko and Shayna. It's not camping, but we stay in camp grounds. We love to go to County and State Parks, but Shayna has a 3/4 coat and she gets so full of stuff from the trees and weeds. Be very careful of burs and examine her every night for stuff in her coat. Have a good time. She'll love it.
Opal, Have fun camping. I am curious of what you put in her first aid kit? Maybe I should have one of those for Taffy as we will be doing some weekend get-a-ways too. Thanks!
Robin M. & Taffy
Opal, We just got back from a 10 day vacation to Eastern TN and Bowling Green, KY in our travel trailer. (We bought a trailer so Angel could go with us on vacation). I don't know where you live now but we live in WI and fleas were never a problem. Well, we got back on Sunday and the first thing I did was give Angel a bath. While blow drying her, I found 3 fleas on her. We think we got them all but Angel is going to the vet tonight for her check up & distemper vacination so I'll find out what else I need to do. So if you aren't already doing so, you may want to take preventive measures and not wait until after the fact like I did.

Here's a list of items that you can put in the kit, Robin for Taffy. I have included, at the bottom, a site that you can order a Pet First Aid Kit, but you might find that you have a lot of these items around your house already, being an avid aromatherapy, homeopathic supporter/user, I make all of the ointments, shampooes, gels, hair oils, lotions, perfumes etc... for myself & my baby, but I have used the 'standard products' on this list since everyone might not have access to the essential oils or desire to do that . PET FIRST AID KIT
* Rectal thermometer (digital is best; it's easier to read and     comes with disposable plastic tip covers so it doesn't have to   be disinfected between dogs.)

* Thumb forceps or large tweezers (to pull out splinters or       thorns.)

* Pair of scissors specifically designed to cut bandages (I have   the stainless steel bandage scissors.) 

* Mild soap, such as ivory (for cleansing wounds & cuts, I would   use the liquid.) 

* A disinfectant, such as Bentadine

* 4x4 gauze pads

* 2" roll gauxe triangle bandage

* alcohol prep pads

* Temporary splint (for use on suspected fractures until the dog   can be seen by a veterinarian.)

* Over-the-counter antibiotic cream (for wounds or scrapes.)

* Cortisone cream (for allergic reactions, such as rashes.)

* Ophthalmic solution, such as sterile contact-lens rinsing        solution (for rinsing eyes, I use Bausch&Laumb-Sensitive eyes.)

* Broad Spectrum oral antibiotic, such as Tetracycline (in case    your vet recommends giving it until you can make it to the       office.

* Oral antihistamine, such as Benadryl (for stings & hives.)

* Cough suppressant (Hycodan, a prescription product, is good; in   emergencies, an over-the-counter product gives some relief.)

* Emectic, such as Syrup of Ipecac or hydrogen peroxide (to        induce vomiting when you know the dog has ingested something     toxic. 

* Antidiarrhea (the prescription Lomotil is excellent; Imodium     A-D and Kaopectate are good over-the counter preparations.)

* Bloat tube (know how to use it correctly.)
  - Instruction on how to use it can be found on this site
* Latex gloves

* CPR & First Aid booklet
***If your travelling find the number of a 24hr. vet hospital, in case something happens. I temporarily program it into my cellular phone, or write it somewhere where it is readily available. Thankfully I have not had to use it, so far. or you can order a vet approved kit that has all the items that you might need in case of an emergency. Well here's the site where you can order an Pet First Aid Kit, it's veterinary approve and they say it includes all the items that you will need in case of emergencies. The cost is $14.95, they even include a CPR booklet. I hope this helps
Opal, Lalita, & Veba
Marie, I live in Maryland, but I will be going camping in West Virginia. It's sooooo beautiful there [ggg] . I'll make sure I check her. I have to do that now after I take her out to my parents. They live out in the county and they have several acres of woods, so I'm used to checking her. Thanks for all the advice/suggestions it's greatly appreciated.
Opal, Lalita, & Veba
The worst thing we've noticed about taking Monique camping is her coat. She enjoys running around, BUT one run through the grass loads her with stickers (100's of those tiny things) which takes me a very long time to get out--some have to be cut out. The next bad thing is all the dirt and debris that gets in her coat--she needs a shampooing after a romp and it's not convenient to shampoo, condition, and blow dry on a camping trip(especially if you're in a self-contained trailer with limited water and battery supply).--------Another reason I'm considering the puppycut for summer--I think she could have more fun. I won't even mention if she decides to play in the water and gets herself wet (can't just let it dry like that or it's tangle city!!) The price of beauty!!!! Good Luck and let us know how it goes--
Opal, thanks for the list and the URL's!! Taffy and I appreciate it very much!
Robin M.
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