Maltese Only Online Newsletter
SEPTEMBER 1999 | Subscribers: 3,705 | Issue No: 015 - 15th Edition | 1999© All Rights Reserved























  • The Virgo Dog August 24 - September 22

    Fur...can't live with it...can't live without it! You will find that you have a few unhappy fur incidents this month...You'll think, "Where is that person with the brush lately?! Don't they realize what I'm going through?" Before the month is over, you will know just how painful gum or candy can be..


    Happy Birthday from MalteseOnly

    MeredithF's Sigmund Freud 9/1
    Rachael's Chrissy 9/1
    Kathie's Tori 9/3
    Opal's Veba 9/3
    Christine's Nikki 9/3
    Corkey's Ozzy 9/3
    LoraineK's Noelle 9/4
    AnneS's Chloe 9/4
    CathyB's Little Lucy Brown 9/4
    LisaC's Buffy 9/4
    Tim's Boyce 9/6
    Denise's Zack 9/7
    Leslie's Phoebe Ruth 9/8
    BarbO's Ashley 9/8
    Kelsey's Sassy 9/9
    DougH's Mingo Mya 9/9
    Bubba's Madison 9/9
    Robin M's Chloe 9/10
    Gayle's Otis 9/11
    Carrie's Babs 9/11
    MsMystic1's Nipper 9/13
    RC's Chibi 9/14
    Spring's Cupid 9/14
    Dean's Chico 9/15
    Dottie's Tasha 9/19
    Trish's Heidi 9/20
    SheilaB's Romy 9/20
    Rivkah's Dreidel & Sweet Pea 9/21
    Chris's CJ 9/22
    Karen's Munchkin 9/22
    Kathy's Porsche 9/23
    Pam&Danny's Kissis King 9/23
    El's Bump 9/25
    Suzane's Fluffy 9/25
    KathyM's Lucy 9/28
    Heidi's Mikey 9/28
    Stacey's Misha 9/29
    BethL's Abbey 9/29
    RutheM's Abbey 9/29
    RickB's Toddie 9/29
    Denise's Maxie 9/29

    Happy Belated Birthdays

    Sheila Wallen's Chandler 8/1/97
    HeatherH's Chas 8/8
    MarieP's Harry 8/8
    DeEtte's Max 8/10
    Bob's Arju 8/20
    MargyS Spunky 8/23
    LindaS Tiara's Devon Lorenzo 8/24
    Rosemary's Wally 8/28/98


    Scott's Beauregard
    BarbO's Pete
    Miriams Shayla
    Vik's Buddy
    Heather's Stella
    LuvMaltese's Snookum
    SusanR's Gizmo
    ChristineC's Cody
    Christina's Mateo
    LisaR's Poco
    Carrie&Mark's Coconut & Grover
    Yvonda's Princess Teaira
    Pat's Pansy
    Christine's Bailey
    Bonnie's Ogie
    Elizabeth's Sissy
    Dawn's Abby
    Susan's Sophie
    Lexmex's Lexi
    Shelle's Casper
    Mimi's Gatsby
    Nancy's Brittany
    Cindy's Shania
    DeniseH's Simon


    Our thoughts and prayers go out to the following:

    Nanette Marsh who lost her Teddy Bear Bernie and Ginny who lost Lady Di Andy DiGenova who lost his Sammi Ana Lopez-Clarke who lost Yuppie

    Note: Please visit our new
    Petloss & Tribute Page! Thanx to Robin McDonald and Jay Bianco for providing us with this wonderful page to remember our furbabies that we have lost and hold so dear.

    HOSTS: Libby & Buster
    Special Chats

    Note:The MalteseOnly Chatroom is hosted every night, Saturday through Thursday from 8:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. EST (No Fridays, yes Jay gives me a night off!)Our chatroom is for Maltese dog discussion only.


    Heartland Gold CornStarch Bones - Made from 70% cornstarch, these 100% edible bones are a safer and healthier alternative. These bones to not contain any animal by-products, alcohol, preservatives, artificial colors or sweeteners. Available in Chicken and Hickory flavors.


    "Can Your Dog?"
    Submitted by Sheila Wallen Can you're dog come outside and play?
    I'm sure I heard him simply say
    And yet I wonder which one said:
    Were words just floating in my head?
    The neighbor's dog was quite intent
    And seemed to be a little bent
    Out of shape; when I ignored
    His tugging ways that I adored.
    First he put his nose upon
    The glass beside the screen.
    Then he lifted up one paw
    As if I hadn't seen
    Him standing there so calmly.
    Waiting in the breezeway
    Winds were blowing balmily
    It was not a freezeway.
    Something seemed to catch my eye
    It wasn't just the dog
    Within me I felt a sigh
    Of silent dialogue.
    Between a four pawed furry
    Who lonely was for sure
    And my self with a hist'ry
    Of loving dogs so pure.
    And I invited him inside
    And they did romp and play
    And in the car they both did ride
    I got consent that day
    And now they're lifelong buddy
    Who visit back and forth
    In winter feet are muddy
    'though my floors do abhorr'th.
    But buddies an important part
    And floors will go or stay
    So listen to that inner heart
    Can Your Dog Come and Play?
    Poem by M.J.M.

    Submitted by DebbieB
    An exciting thought popped into my head today,
    While I sat watching two young puppies at play.
    How much we could learn if we only would look
    At these creatures who have never read a book.
    Jealousy, hatred, gossip and greed
    Are rarely found in dogs, no matter the breed.
    What do they know that we do not?
    Obviously, though they're not telling, quite a lot.
    Of course, two pups may squabble over a bone.
    But soon you will find it left all alone,
    While the former combatants snuggle close, sound asleep.
    Secure in the knowledge that their treasure will keep.
    Warmth and closeness mean so much more to them,
    Even though the battle will probably begin again.
    It is more playful than serious, this game of tug
    And will end again with them both asleep, close on the rug
    When two humans decide they want the same thing,
    Whatever the object, they both will cling Grimly determined that each is right,
    No matter how long, they continue to fight.
    Let's look at those puppies, asleep at our feet.
    Has either lost that treasure he tried so hard to keep?
    Not really, as it lays just a few feet away
    Not a treasure trove, just an object of play.
    And the two little creatures? Are they content?
    Completely and totally because their little souls are bent
    Upon keeping this friend who plays this game with them,
    And is still willing to snuggle again and again.
    If only we could learn the great lesson here
    Things are not precious, friendships are dear.
    What good will this thing do us, this precious bone,
    If we find ourselves left completely alone?
    The next time I find myself wanting to fight,
    I'll remember those puppies and, with all of my might,
    I will try to give it up with a shrug
    And hope to end up sound asleep, close on the rug.
    Author Unknown

  • RAGS
    Submitted by Cathy Brown

    We called him "Rags." He was just a cur,
    But twice onthe Western Line,
    That little old bunch old faithful fur
    Had offered his life for mine.

    And all that he got was bones and bread,
    Or the leavings of soldier grub,
    But he'd give his heart for a pat on the head,
    Or a friendly tickle and rub.

    And Rags got home with the regiment,
    And then, in the breaking away -
    Well, whether they stole him, or whether he went,
    I am not prepared to say.

    But we mustered out, some to beer and gruel,
    And some to sherry and shad,
    And I went back to the Sawbones School,
    Where I still was an undergrad.

    One day they took us budding MD's
    To one of those institutes
    Where they demonstrate every new disease
    By means of bisected brutes.

    They had one animal tacked and tied
    And slit like a full - dressed fish,
    With his vitals pumping away inside
    As pleasant as one might wish.

    I stopped to look like the rest, of course,
    And the beast's eyes leveled with mine,
    His short tail thumped with a feeble force,
    And he uttered a tender whine.

    It was Rags, yes Rags! Who was martyred there,
    Who was quartered and crucified,
    And he whined that whine which is a doggish prayer
    And he licked my hand - and died

    And I was no better in part nor whole
    Than the gang I was found among,
    And his innocent blood was on the soul
    Which he blessed with his dying tongue.

    Well ! I have seen men go to courageous death,
    In the air, on sea, on land !
    But only a dog would spend is breath
    In a kiss from his murderer's hand.

    And if there is no heaven for love like that,
    For such four-legged fealty- well !
    If I have any choice, I tell you flat,
    I'll take my chance in hell.


    Reasons why it's great to be a dog
    Submitted by Libby

    No one expects you to take a bath every day. Your friends never expect you to pay for lunch, dinner or anything else for that matter. When it's raining, you can lie around the house all day and never worry about being fired. If it itches, you can reach it. No matter what itches, no one is offended if you scratch it in public. It doesn't bother you if your favorite television show is a rerun. You can wear a fur coat and no one thinks you're insensitive. April 15 means nothing to you. People at drive-through windows never charge you for treats. Your friends don't think less of you for passing gas. A rawhide bone can entertain you for hours. No one gets mad at you if you fall asleep while they're talking. As an adult, it's ok if you haven't amounted to anything except being a dog. The older you get, the more people respect you. You can sleep late every day. If you grow hair in weird places, no one notices. You never get in trouble for putting your head in a stranger's lap. There's no such thing as bad food. You don't have to worry about good table manners. Someone else combs your hair. People think you're normal if you stick your head out the window to feel the wind in your hair. You're always excited to see the same old people. Having big feet is considered an asset. If you gain weight, it's someone else's fault. Everything smells good to you A garbage can is a fast-food stop. No one tells you to wipe your nose because it's wet. No matter where you live, you own the place. Your mate never complains because you whine. Puppy love can last
    Unknown Author

    Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
    Submitted by Cindy Shaffer

    One afternoon, I was in the backyard hanging the laundry when an old, tired-looking dog wandered into the yard. I could tell from his collar and well-fed belly that he had a home. But when I walked into the house, he followed me, sauntered down the hall and fell asleep in a corner. An hour later, he went to the door, and I let him out. The next day he was back. He resumed his position in the hallway and slept for an hour. This continued for several weeks. Curious, I pinned a note to his collar: "Every afternoon your dog comes to my house for a nap." The next day he arrived with a different note pinned to his collar: "He lives in a home with ten children - he's trying to catch up on his sleep." -------------------- Let Sleeping Dogs Lie One afternoon, I was in the backyard hanging the laundry when an old, tired-looking dog wandered into the yard. I could tell from his collar and well-fed belly that he had a home. But when I walked into the house, he followed me, sauntered down the hall and fell asleep in a corner. An hour later, he went to the door, and I let him out. The next day he was back. He resumed his position in the hallway and slept for an hour. This continued for several weeks. Curious, I pinned a note to his collar: "Every afternoon your dog comes to my house for a nap." The next day he arrived with a different note pinned to his collar: "He lives in a home with ten children - he's trying to catch up on his sleep."
    Author Unknown

    Submitted by Cindy Shaffer

    A newly discovered chapter in the Book of Genesis has provided the answer to the question: "Where do pets come from?" Adam said, "Lord, when I was in the garden, you walked with me every day. Now I do not see you anymore. I am lonesome here and it is difficult for me to remember how much you love me." And God said, "No problem! I will create a companion for you that will be with you forever and who will be a reflection of my love for you. Regardless of how unlovable you may be, this new companion will accept you as you are & will love you as I do." And God created a new animal to be a companion for Adam. And it was a good animal. And God was pleased. And the new animal was pleased to be with Adam and he wagged his tail. And Adam said, "Lord, I have already named all the animals in the Kingdom and I cannot think of a name for this new animal." And God said,"No problem! Because I have created this new animal to be a reflection of my love for you, his name will be a reflection of my own name, and you will call him DOG." And Dog lived with Adam and was a companion to him and loved him. And Adam was comforted. And God was pleased. And Dog was content and wagged his tail. After a while, it came to pass that Adam's guardian angel came to the Lord and said,"Lord, Adam has become filled with pride. He struts and preens like peacock and he believes he is worthy of adoration. Dog has indeed taught him that he is loved, but perhaps too well." And God said,"No problem! I will create for him a companion who will be with him forever and who will see him as he is. The companion will remind him of his limitations, so he will know that he is not always worthy of adoration." And God created CAT to be a companion to Adam. And Cat would not obey Adam. And when Adam gazed into Cat's eyes, he was reminded that he was not the supreme being. And Adam learned humility. And God was pleased.. And Adam was greatly improved. And Dog was happy.. And the cat didn't give a sh*t one way or the other.
    Author Unknown


    Much of a dog's behavior is inherited rather than learned. Take for example the fact that a dog tends to circle around several times before laying down on its bed. In reality, this is how wolves trample leaves or grass before lying down.

    However mournful the look your Maltese gives you, don't give in to begging for food. Treats should only be given for a job well done; and a dog must learn to eat its own food.

    Submitted by Christina and "Kabuki"

    Question: Who does a male dog go camping with?
    Answer: The Boy Snouts of America!

    "SMILES FROM OUR WHITE FURBABIES" Question : What is the most important thing in life your Maltese gives to you? Answer: Unconditional love, companionship and support.

  • Dear Libby and Jay,
    My name is Misa Dunkel and the love of my life is Mikey Hale. Oh, there is also my fiancé, Fred Hale. I had so many questions about Maltese when I got Mikey. Thanks to your website, many anxieties were dispelled. I never knew what a wonderful breed Maltese were! Mikey named himself when I was filling out his paperwork during purchase. He sat in front of me on the counter quietly sniffing around when I noticed a large corner of a form was missing. He cheerfully swallowed it as my hand went to his mouth. My mother was with me and exclaimed, "Hey, Mikey...he eats anything!" I took him to our newly built home of 1 month. There, he cheerfully ate our oak trim, my expensive leather shoes (he left the cheap ones alone) and my leather belts. In our desperate attempt to curb his eating habits, we tried a "cure" of sprinkling cayenne pepper on things he should not eat. Mikey simply ADORES cayenne pepper, Tabasco sauce and anything else that is spicy. Thank goodness he outgrew his name. Sorry to have gotten wrapped up in telling you Mikey stories (seems to happen alot with me!) I just wanted to tell you how much we enjoy Maltese Only site and to say that we look forward to many more pictures in your photo album. Thanks again!

    Misa Dunkel and Mikey

    Submitted by Marilyn & Bob

    I'm one sore little "puppy" tonight. I thought I could trust Mom and Dad, but this morning when they put me in the big grey van I trembled and hid my head under Dad's "wing." (I was trying to hide so no one could see me!)

    I knew it! We stopped over at that place I don't like.....4419 Mt. Vernon Road SE. Mom and Dad left me and the first thing I knew I was getting a shot and that's all I remember for a long time. When I woke up I was sore and couldn't even stand up. A little later I stood up and "things" hurt. In fact I hurt all over.

    Mom and Dad came and picked me up at 5 p.m. and I cry when I'm moved around because I have some "ouchies." I went in there this morning feeling like a "Big Bad Bear" and I came out feeling like a BearyAnne (I think they they're trying to make a sissy out of thing I know I'll have a "PINK" ribbon in my disgusting!)They brought me home and Tiffy met me at the front door. Mom set me on the floor on a pretty towel and Tiffy came over and sympathized with me and my condition. In fact Tiffy came over and gave me one "lick-lick" first time Tiffy has ever kissed me...that was the only good thing about this day! I'm a pathetic looking little thing, my spirit is shot! I haven't even barked yet...I'm just too sore! I look like I'm ready to go into to the boxing ring, both of my front paws are all wrapped up in bandages...(the Doc took off my dewclaws), and I've got stitches down (you know two places). Doc told Mom and Dad that I should not lick the stitches, so far I'm being good about that.

    Mom has antibiotics to give me morning and night for ten days, and then in two weeks I go back to my Doc and get my stitches out. It's a tough life! It's sure nice having Tiffy worry about me though...she knows that these surgeries are tough on a guy. Sorry to "whine" without offering you cheese. Love, Cadeau D'Amour (BearyAnne)

  • Sophies Story
    Submitted by Susan Pennypacker-Sophies mom

    I wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I enjoy MO. I am a new maltese mommie and will forever be a malte-maniac. I rescued our new little bundle of joy from and uncaring breeder (I use the term loosly). Little Sophie was being starved and kept in a terribly dirty cage. Her crime, a serious heart murmur that would prevent her from being breeding stock or saleable. I took one look into her precious little face and promptly fell in love. My husband was another story. She had to win him over. We have three sons and another dog. He didnt see puppy in our future. It took exactly 1 day! What an operator! We have had Sophie for a week and she is the queen of our home. Although we dont have any guarentees as to how long she will be with us, I see each day as a blessing. Thank you again for such an informative and fun source of maltese information!

  • What I've Learned from My Dogs
    Submitted by Mary Harrigan

    It's been a year now since I was blessed with my first-ever dog and I sit here in amazement pondering all that I've learned. I've learned that sometimes a year seems like forever and sometimes like just yesterday. I've learned that I can adjust my lifestyle to accept and welcome the responsibilities that come with having a dog. I've learned that gentle words softly spoken are much more effective than loud harsh words will ever be. I've learned patience and forgiveness. Things don't always go my way, and accidents happen. I've learned some housekeeping skills -- the importance of emptying wastebaskets every morning, and how to use a scrub brush on the floor after a winter week of snowy, muddy paws. I've learned how to budget money, always setting some aside for the doggy account. I've learned that I have a creative side for making things -- doggy beds, topknot pillows, quilted blankets and winter coats. I've learned to appreciate my long commute to work, giving me the time to make some of those things and to read all the dog information I can get hold of. I've learned some technical skills, too. I can surf the net and be lucky enough to find sites like and the shelter where my puppies came from. I've learned that adding a puppy to the family didn't put me over the edge. And I've learned that adding a third brought a balance I never would have hoped for. I've learned how to roll on the floor, sit in the grass, and use my camera again. I've learned how to ask for help when I need it and how to graciously accept it when offered. I've learned that I need to work on tempering my judgments and softening my opinions. I've learned that Silence Is Golden and hope that someday the dogs will learn this too. I've learned that I am still and always learning. I've learned about the grief that comes with having lost my little Spencer and I've learned that warm memories help to ease the pain and fill the void. I've learned to be thankful for what I have. I've learned about the joy of giving hugs and the pleasure of receiving kisses. And I've learned how important it is everyday to say "I Love You."


    We are now accepting orders for the the 2000 Maltese Only Calendar.
    Details are here on how to get yours.

    Quanities are limited so don't be shut out. All net proceeds will benefit the National Maltese Rescue.


    A special thanks goes out to the Sponsors of MalteseOnly:


    Note: If you wish to submit an article, poem, joke, birthday, etc. for MalteseOnly News please send an email. All submissions must be to me by the 25th of the month.


    As quoted by Dr. Jane Leon, from America's Health Network, "Be good to your pets, they try so hard to be good to you and for you"

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  • September 1999
    Maltese Only News

    redbullet.gif - 0.1 KEditor's Note:
    Welcome to MalteseOnly News! MalteseOnly went online in May of 1996. Created by Jay and Bev Bianco of Mt. Morris, PA. Today several thousand visitors daily find themselves at this website.

    The Maltese Only site provides a multitude of information on the health, care and training of a Maltese. The Discussion Forum is the #1 Dog Discussion on the Internet.

    Maltese Only has the most dedicated fans on the Internet. This Maltese Only News is dedicated to them.

    To unsubscribe from the MalteseOnly Newsletter, simply go to then enter your email address and check "unsubscribe" and submit. You will be removed immediately from any future mailings and announcements.

    Libby Johnson, Editor
    Jay Bianco,Co-Editor

    Jay and Bev Bianco -

    Interested individuals may now subscribe to the new National Maltese Rescue email list of announcements. To subscribe or unsubscribe, point your browser to:

    Please check out our new list of available rescues at:


  • Do I Go Home Today?

    My family brought me home cradled in their arms. They cuddled me and smiled at me, and said I was full of charm.

    They played with me and laughed with me. They showered me with toys. I sure do love my family, especially the girls and boys.

    The children loved to feed me, they gave me special treats. They even let me sleep with them - all snuggled in the sheets.

    I used to go for walks, often several times a day. They even fought to hold the leash, I'm very proud to say.

    They used to laugh and praise me, when I played with that old shoe. But I didn't know the difference between the old ones and the new.

    The kids and I would grab a rag, for hours we would tug. So I thought I did the right thing, When I chewed the bedroom rug.

    They said that I was out of control, and would have to live outside. This I did not understand, although I tried and tried.

    The walks stopped, one by one; they said they hadn't time. I wish that I could change things, I wish I knew my crime.

    My life became so lonely, in the backyard on a chain. I barked and barked all day long, to keep from going insane.

    So they brought me to the shelter, but were embarrassed to say why. They said I caused an allergy, and then kissed me goodbye.

    If I'd only had some classes, as a little pup. I wouldn't have been so hard to handle when I was all grown up.

    "You only have one day left", I heard the worker say. Does this mean a second chance? Do I go home today? (Sandi Thompson)

    Submitted by Libby

    Casper - Casper is a 1 1/2 year old Male Maltese from Wilmington, NC. Caspers previous owners couldn't keep him because he was not good with children. National Maltese Rescue was called on 6/5/99 and Casper was put up for adoption. Casper has a new home and is living in Mass with his new mommie, Maureen who flew down to NC to meet Casper and his previous owner. Maureen keeps the NMR updated on Caspers progress. He is adjusting well. He loves to play tug-of-war and gives lots of kisses. Casper is coming along nicely, he's learning slowly to get along with the cats, but really doesn't take well to small children or anyone riding a bike. Casper has also made a new friend he actually likes his new vet, Dr Sara Tobias, she's really nice and adores Casper already too!

    Maureen enrolled Casper in puppy kindergarten and says he's doing great. He also got to go on vacation to New Hampshire for a few days. Maureen says he went to his first craft/auction/chicken bar-b-que fair and only thought he was a Rotty a couple of times..Ha!

    Note from Maureen: "All I can say is that Casper has filled a void in my life that I realized was there only after I got him home. Libby, we have another dog, 4 cats, a bird and goldfish, but my cat of 14 yrs. had been killed by coyotes about 7 yrs. ago and I thought I'll be ok we have all these other pets I love. Then came Casper and I couldn't imagine ever being with out him. My husband brings him along when they pick me up any where and Casper jumps and gives out a bark when I see him, then when I get in the car he can't stop the kisses and I wouldn't want him to either. Thank you again so very much in helping me to get him through the rescue. It's a great place and very rewarding for both the new owner and dog!"

    Another successful placement by National Maltese Rescue!

    Gossip column
    (Bianco's That's My Buddy)

    Note: When Libby asked me to do this gossip column I had to laugh. Ha! Me? Do a gossip column??!! My mommie (Bev) and my daddy (Jay) say that I am perfect for the job. Can't keep any secrets. So here goes. Daddy gave me my own email address so if you have any gossip worth printing please email me. Now for the gossip!

    Nikki's Gizmo almost made it as a STAR! Almost, I say because mommie and Taylor were being interviewed for a piece on Animal Planet. Gizmo was supposed to fall dead for the camera and he wouldn't do it. He got camera shy and choked on his chance to be a star. Well, Giz, you could have made mommie rich - you little brat. Be sure to check out Nikki & Taylor on Animal Planet Oct 24, 1999. 8:00 p.m. PT

    Guess who got his first haircut? Beauregard! His daddy, Scott had to rush him to the groomer for an emergency bath and moustache trim after he and his buddy,Landon found Daddy had left a perfectly good milkshake just sitting on the desk by his computer. So they helped themselves to a summer snack and didn't spill very much on the keyboard at all....well, maybe a little.... but while Landon liked each key clean meticulously, Beau decided that this shake was good to the last drop, and stuck his head WAY into the cup to lick it clean. Needless to say, he came out a sticky, gooey mess. Daddy rushed him to the groomers before Mommy found out.... Maybe he was afraid she'd be jealous that he didn't share his milkshake with HER!

    I hear that Ceasar(Trepagnier) made his first trip to Panama City, but of all things he didn't get to lay in the sun on the beach. Stayed at the condo and rested his little bones, eating and playing with all his toys. He had a great time being more spoiled than usual by mom Susan, daddy Karl and Karli and her friends Clarke and David.

    I told you a few months ago that Little Lucy Brown was having trouble adjusting to Tiki moving in on her territory. Well according to Lucy's mom, since Tikis spaying she has laid claims on mommies lap! Lucy is not liking this at all. Look out Tiki...Lucy is not happy with you!

    Janine had to take Alex's toys away from him. Mommie Janine caught him marking them and doing the cha cha on his Koala! When mommie says "NO" Alex takes his Koala somewhere where mommie cannot see him. Yes, Alex was neutered and daddy wants his money back! Ha! Alex is gonna end up with KoalaMalts!

    I have it on good authority that MaryK got thrown out of a taxicab on the way to taking Bailey to Doggie Day Care! Bailey, in his Sherpa bag, decided he needed to voice his opinion and start barking. Mary couldn't quiet him down. She tried everything, i.e. petting him, talking to him, etc. Bailey finally squeezed out of his Sherpa bag and barked really loud. The taxi driver immediately pulled over and told MaryK ... "Your dog gave me a headache!" MaryK of course had to walk several blocks home. Mary, do you think Bailey just wanted to stay home with you?

    Lucky's new mommie, Ronnie, is looking for a new wardrobe for her. Lucky wants to be the most stylish Maltese Lady in New York City! Look out all you other girls. Lucky's in town and she's taking over!

    Very strong westerly winds blew heavy competion to the shows these days in Michigan I heard. Move over Barb, BJ's in town.

    That's it for the gossip for this month. Stay tuned. I'll be watching and listening for more. Until next month...keep your head out the window and your tail to the sky.

    Submitted by Cathy Brown
    "There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face" Ben Williams

    Submitted by John & Paula Crawford
    "The warm gaze of a beloved dog or a gentle nuzzle can soothe or warm even the most troubled spirit"

    Submitted by Libbyj
    "The bond with a true dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth can ever be."
    Konrad Lorenz 'Man Meets Dog'

    "You may have a dog that won't sit up, roll over or even cook breakfast, not because he's too stupid to learn how, but because he's too smart to bother."
    Rick Horowitz Chicago Tribune

    "Dogs love company. They place it first on their short list of needs." J.R.Ackerley 'My Dog Tulip'


    1. Keep up vaccinations
    2. Annual exams or every 6 months depending on your veterinarian
    3. Spay/Neuter
    4. Healthy Diet & plenty of exercise
    5. Clean Teeth
    6. Generic prescription medications
    7. Develop a good relationship with your vet to discuss options - Lay out cost effectiveness
    8. Don't assume taking your Maltese to a Specialist will bust your budget. It may be the best thing to do
    9. Talk about discounts
    10. Consider Pet Insurance

    Submitted by BarbO

    How to give a cat a pill:

    1) Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth pop pill into mouth. allow cat to close mouth and swallow.

    2) Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process.

    3) Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy pill away.

    4) Take new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm holding rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push pill to back of mouth with right forefinger. Hold mouth shut for a count of ten.

    5) Retrieve pill from goldfish bowl and cat from top of wardrobe. Call spouse from garden.

    6) Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between knees, hold front and rear paws. Ignore low growls emitted by cat. Get spouse to hold head firmly with one hand while forcing wooden ruler into mouth. Drop pill down ruler and rub cat's throat vigorously.

    7) Retrieve cat from curtain rail, get another pill from foil wrap. Make note to buy new ruler and repair curtains. Carefully sweep shattered figurines and vases from hearth and set to one side for gluing later.

    8) Wrap cat in large towel and get spouse to lie on cat with head just visible from below armpit. Put pill in end of drinking straw, force mouth open with pencil and blow down drinking straw.

    9) Check label to make sure pill not harmful to humans, drink glass of water to take taste away. Apply band-aid to spouse's forearm and remove blood from carpet with cold water and soap.

    10) Retrieve cat from neighbor's shed. Get another pill. Place cat in cupboard and close door onto neck to leave head showing. Force mouth open with dessert spoon. Flick pill down throat with elastic band.

    11) Fetch screwdriver from garage and put cupboard door back on hinges. Apply cold compress to cheek and check records for date of last tetanus jab. Throw Tee shirt away and fetch new one from bedroom.

    12) Ring fire brigade to retrieve cat from tree across the road. Apologize to neighbor who crashed into fence while swerving to avoid cat. Take last pill from foil-wrap.

    13) Tie cat's front paws to rear paws with garden twine and bind tightly to leg of dining table, find heavy duty pruning gloves from shed. Push pill into mouth followed by large piece of fillet steak. Hold head vertically and pour 2 pints of water down throat to wash pill down.

    14) Get spouse to drive you to the emergency room, sit quietly while doctor stitches fingers and forearm and removes pill remnants from right eye. Call furniture shop on way home to order new table.

    15) Arrange for SPCA to collect cat and ring local pet shop to see if they have any hamsters.

    How to give a dog a pill:
    1) Wrap it in bacon.


    Do not give your Maltese alcohol; it can be toxic.

    Do not set off fireworks near your Maltese; they may burn it and the loud noises may frighten it.
    Ask guests to avoid feeding your Maltese

    Place snacks, candies and garbage, such as foil and the plastic rings found around beverage six-pack containers out of reach.

    Keep your Maltese inside, not outside unsupervised. "ASK THE DOG TRAINING INSTRUCTOR"
    by Vanetta Gibbs

    QUESTION: Why does my female puppy (8mos.) "hump" her white teddy bear? She has been spayed...Thank you. Arline

    ANSWER: Your spayed female 18-month-old pup "humps" because she still has sexual drive or instinct to cause this behavior. It's a form of sex play, which even grown adult dogs will display as a means of releasing their sex drive or instinct. Spaying and neutering slows it down but the drive is still there. Your pup will probably gradually decrease the "humping" as she gets older. Unless she does it constantly to people, this is nothing to scold her for.

    QUESTION: I have a question. My 11month old Maltese loves to go bye bye until I get him in the car and then he drives me nuts. Wants to be on my lap, I think that's the problem. He cries and fuses all the way but goes crazy when he knows I am going in the car and wants to come. I was hoping he would get better but so far it's getting worse I think. Any suggestions? Gayle

    ANSWER: I suggest you try getting him interested in his favorite toy while he's in the car. Toys like Kong Toy and Buster Cube with food in it, may work to cause him to loose interest in getting in your lap and complaining. The problem is he wants to be with you but he dislikes or fears car rides. The toys may help to alleviate the problem. Filling a natural sterilized beef bone which are made for dogs with cheese spread or peanut butter and giving it to him in the car will likely keep him busy while you drive. The idea is to find something that he loves to do just as much as he dislikes car rides and, if possible, to put the two together. Such as an attention getting toy to distract him from concentrating on the unpleasant car ride and to cause him to relax by focusing on the toy.

    QUESTION: My furbaby Maggie May easily learned sit, stay, down, speak, "whisper" (which has people rolling on the floor), and shake BUT she refuses to "come" when called. I've tried several things but she usually just stands there and looks at me or runs the other way. Can you help? Becky

    ANSWER: Try leash training come. If you have, do it again. Practice stay with come and non-stay when she is just doing her thing on leash with no command other than ok or a command to say do what you want while on leash. Command "Maggie Mae, Come!" or whatever name you use. If she doesn't immediately turn and come to you, then pull her to you using a hand over hand action on the leash. When you have pulled her right in front of you then praise her vocally and with petting. The minute she turns and comes without being pulling start vocally praising, "Good Girl!" or "Good Maggie Mae!" in a happy, encouraging tone and when she reaches you, praise her both vocally and with petting. If she starts to come but then turns and goes while you vocally praise her, stop praising and pull her to you. Then vocally praise and pet her. Once she does well with the leash on, you can try a long line using same come technique. If after the above procedure, she seems to mostly have the come problem when she is off leash or long line, then try kneeling down at her level, clapping or slapping on your paints leg, or hold a toy to get her attention to come. Command "Maggie Mae, Come!" in a very pleasing but firm voice. If you have ever called her and then when she does get to you, you scold her for another reason, this is what will cause her to not come to you again. She'll think that she will get scolded for coming the next time you call for her.

    QUESTION: I have an 11-month-old male Maltese. He is very loving and very affectionate. however I am having trouble in a coupe of behavior areas:

    1. He insists on going into the wastebasket in the bathroom no matter how many reprimands he receives. how do I break him of this?
    2. When we go out and leave him alone (even for a short period of time) he urinates or defecates. how do I break him of this?
    3. When he gets excited about seeing someone come in (a member of the family, guest or whatever) he nips at their hand. again he is sternly told "no". How do I break him of this?
    Any help that you can pass along would be appreciated!!! Thank you, Kathy Schachter

    ANSWER: You have three behavioral problems you are asking me about. The first is getting into the bathroom garbage can. My suggestion for this is to tape balloons on the trash can all around the top of the can. When he turns it over the balloons will most likely pop a balloon, which should scare him away enough that he won't come back and bother it again. If he fears from the balloons you might try smaller balloons or placing one in the trash. A balloon or two in the trash might get popped when he tries to go through with his paws or if he opens his mouth and the balloon touches his teeth it may pop and scare him away. The second problem is that he is defecating after you leave him alone. He has separation anxiety. The following are things you can try, to see if they will stop him from doing this. One thing to do is to provide something to keep him busy and to forget that you are gone. Giving a food filled item such as a Kong toy, buster cube, or natural sterilized beef bone made for dogs. You can put cheese spread or peanut butter in them to keep him busy. If you are gone for a long time you may want to provide several natural sterilized beef bones with different fillings. If he's not much of a chewer then some of those stuffed animal toys with sound may help. Any nylabone or gumabone products are great items for chewers. If this doesn't seem to work try cassette recording your voice and play it back for him while you are gone, to ease your absence. On the cassette tape, say things you would say to him if you were there to comfort and get him in a happy mood. Don't say Good Boy or praise vocally any other way, as you don't know what he is doing when it's playing. Also don't say it's ok on the tape because the anxiety is not ok. This is a 'there but not there' method. You could even take it a step further and video tape yourself or use one already made with you already on there. As far as your third problem of him becoming very excited and then nipping at people, you need to leash him all the time or just when visitors come. Don't leave the leash on unsupervised. When he starts to nip at people pull him quickly away, as you command, "No!" Repeat this until he stops nipping. Praise him vocally when he doesn't nip during this excited time. If he nips you, wrap your hand around his muzzle and command, "No!". I hope this advice helps you and your 11-month Maltese.

    Submitted by Mary Palmer

    Dear Fellow Dog Enthusiast,
    Does it seem like every time you try to post a question or comment to a dog list, you get yourself into trouble? If so, then this lists for you. If you religiously follow all of the rules on this Official DON'T list; you'll never get in trouble again.

  • The Official Dog Enthusiast's DON'T List ~~

    DON'T let your dog sleep in your bed. It will cause aggression problems down the road.
    DON'T make your dog sleep in a crate. Crate is just another word for small cage.
    DON'T let your dog sleep outside at night. If God had wanted dogs to sleep outside, he would have covered their body with hair to keep them warm.
    DON'T let your dog sleep. You should be playing with him all the time.
    DON'T keep more than two dogs. Each individual dog requires considerable time and energy, and it is impossible for a responsible dog owner to spend quality time with more than two dogs.
    DON'T keep less than five dogs. Dogs are pack animals, and five dogs is the minimum number for proper socialization.
    DON'T feed your dog kibble. Kibble is the invention of evil capitalists who want your money, and kibble has no nutritional value whatsoever. You might as well feed your dog sawdust.
    DON'T cook your dog's meat or chicken. Cooking destroys all the nutrients.
    DON'T feed your dog raw meat or raw chicken. Raw food contains salmonella, e-coli, and other harmful bacteria.
    DON'T let your dog drink out of a plastic bowl. It will turn his nose pink.
    DON'T post messages to a dog list. You will surely get bopped on the head for thinking that someone else cares about your silly little opinions.
    DON'T poke your eye with a sharp stick. It has nothing to do with dogs, but it's a good rule nonetheless.
    DON'T microchip your dog. A nearby cell phone can cause a microchipped dog to explode, or so says the lady running the tattoo booth.
    DON'T tattoo your dog on the ear. A dog thief will cut off the tattooed ear.
    DON'T tattoo your dog on the thigh. He'll be a tripod before you can say Ginsu.
    DON'T keep a collar on your dog when unattended. He could get caught on something and choke.
    DON'T leave your dog unattended without a collar. He could run away without any identification.
    DON'T transport your dog in a plastic crate. Plastic crates don't allow sufficient airflow.
    DON'T transport your dog in a wire crate. In a car accident, a wire crate transforms into a doggie skewer. On days you plan to have a car accident, it's acceptable to use a plastic crate.
    DON'T let your dog drive. It's against the law in many states.
    DON'T enter your dog in conformation. It's b-o-r-i-n-g for the dog.
    DON'T enter your dog in obedience. It's B-o-r-i-n-g with a capital "B."
    DON'T enter your dog in agility. The jumps will injure his joints.
    DON'T send your dog out with a handler. Only a psychopath would send their beloved pet with a complete stranger.
    DON'T handle your dog yourself. You've got a great dog, and he deserves a much better handler than you will ever be.
    DON'T get a purebred dog. Too much inbreeding has produced dogs with temperament and health problems.
    DON'T get a mutt. You don't know anything about their pedigree. In fact, if you're thinking about getting a dog, get a cat instead.
    DON'T don't. That's right, you heard me, just don't!
    DON'T leave your dog's dewclaws intact. He will rip one off jumping a log or something, which is quite painful.
    DON'T remove your dog's dewclaws. Dewclaws are acupuncture points that are needed for proper functioning of the kidneys.
    AND, the #1 DON'T ....
    DON'T trim your dog's whiskers. Dogs use their whiskers to determine the size of their head, which is important when they are out shopping for a new hat.
    Author Unknown

    Submitted by Cathy Brown The Do's:

    *DO say commands only once.
    *DO use Fido's name in front of every command (except "Stay").
    *DO praise Fido when he is in the right position even if you had to show him.
    *DO work slowly--let Fido savor his accomplishments.
    *DO slowly improve the length of time Fido can do each exercise.

    The Do Nots: *DO NOT repeat commands.
    *DO NOT use Fido's name when you don't like his behavior.
    *DO NOT neglect to positively reward him when he is in the correct position.
    *DO NOT do obedience work in hyper-drive.
    *DO NOT be in a rush to get to the hardest segment as soon as possible.


    Celebrity Maltese of the Month goes to Maidie Pauline who is owned by the famous actress Leila Kenzle who was Helen Hunt's best friend and business partner, Fran, on "Mad About You". Kenzle received the puppy as a surprise Christmas gift from her husband.


    The National Animal Poison Control Center has a 24-hour toll-free number to assist with poisoning problems -- 1-800-548-2423.

  • ©1999 Jay Bianco

    The Largest and most Complete Maltese dog website in the World