Maltese Only Online Newsletter
FEBRUARY 1999 - Subscribers: 1,926 - Issue No: 008 - 8th Edition 1999© All Rights Reserved































    21 January - 18 February

    The Aquarius Dog is friendly and loyal. Aquarius dogs are most likely To hang with you in the den while you watch TV, or lay under the hammock While you enjoy a warm summer day. Aquarius dogs can also be independent And inventive, looking for new and different ways to retrieve that ball Under the couch, for example. The Acquarius dog is a true pal in every Sense, unless his owner forgets mealtime.


    Happy Birthday from MalteseOnly

    Julie - Monica 2/96
    Jennifer - Tanner 2/3
    Bobbi - Sugar 2/3
    CYN - Tootsie 2/3
    Wendy's KoKo 2/5
    Marilyn & Valerie - Emma Kate 2/6
    L & M Santos - Prince 2/7
    Shirley - Sara 2/10
    BarbO - Spencer 2/11
    Marty - Miss Pittypat 2/12
    Jay&Bev - Bianco's White Mercedes 2/12
    Anne S - Casey 2/14
    Debbie B - Tina 2/14
    Kellie S - Princess 2/15
    BarbO - Toby 2/15
    Marlene - Rosa 2/16
    Cindy P - Annabel 2/17
    Cindy F - Daisy 2/18
    Marjorie - Maggie 2/23
    Eva - Peanut 2/24
    Bee Gee - Gizmo 2/26
    BarbS - Princess 2/28


    There were no photos added in JANUARY 1998
    NOTE: Jay has been very busy and will update the photo album soon.

  • (Special Note: If your photo has not been posted please be patient. Jay has received an overwhelming amount of photos either by snail mail or e-mail. Your baby's picture will get posted. Your patience is greatly appreciated.)


    Angelo's D'Oggi
    Jill Fleming's Willie
    Marys Bailey
    Tmason's Spunky
    Sheila Wallen's Changler
    Pam & Danny King's Kissis King
    Rodney Fain's Sugar
    Vic Kendal's Bruno
    Kara H's Boo
    Pipo's Phillippe
    Michael's Darby
    Laura's Spencer
    Renee's Bella-Me
    Sara's Nala
    Alynn's Cotton
    El Ingle's Bump
    Anna & Eddie's Thumper Sebastin
    Diane's Molly
    Anne King's Casper
    Shannon's Tuffy, Fluffy & Muffy
    Chelly's Angel
    Rhonda's Missy
    Heidi's Mikey
    Jim & Bob's Poulenc
    Jessica's Joey
    Carolyn's Zippy


    Our hearts go out to:
    Sherilyn Moon (aka Puppyluv) who lost her Caren on 1/2/99
    Denise R who lost her Chloe 12/31/97
    Diana (aka DB) who lost her LB
    Michelle Lucas who lost her Snowflake 1/12/99
    Dottie Starr who lost her Tiffany

  • A Bridge Called Love
    It takes us back to brighter years, to happier sunlit days and to precious moments that will be with us always. And these fond recollections are treasured in the heart to bring us always close to those from whom we had to part. There is a bridge of memories from earth to Heaven above... It's the bridge that we call love.
    Author Unknown

  • If you are having trouble dealing with the loss of your Maltese or any other pet please visit the following Internet sites: or There are several support groups who can help in dealing with this loss.


  • DATE: Monday, Feb. 1, 1999
    TIME: 8:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. est.
    Co-Host: Dr. Geraldine Hunt, BVSc MvetClinStud PhD FACVSc
    Senior Lecturer in Liver Shunts
    TOPIC: Liver Shunts, and other congenital problems like luxuating
    Patellae and Hydrocephalus

  • DATE: Saturday, February 13, 1999
    TIME: 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. est
    Co-Host: Dr. Margaret Muns, DVM
    TOPIC: Pet Health and Behavior

  • DATE: Tuesday, February 23, 1999
    TIME: 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. est
    Co-Host: Dr. Jan Bellows, DVM
    TOPIC: Pet Dentistry

    The MalteseOnly Chatroom is hosted every night, Saturday through Thursday from 8:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. EST (No Fridays, yes Jay gives me a night off!)



  • A cleaned, smooth and sterilized real bone. Premium quality ensures they won't Splinter. Many people like to put treats, cheese or Peanut butter in the hollow middle for extra appeal. These come in natural or hickory smoked.


    Submitted by Shirley Dunn

    They say that all Maltese Moms
    Are inclined to brag a bit,
    And that there is some truth in that
    I frankly must admit.
    For since I have become a Maltese Mom
    And many of my friends have too.
    I'm floored by all the bragging
    These other Malt Moms do.
    To hear them rave you'd think
    This whole Maltese breed
    Was fast becoming Supermalts
    At a tremendous speed.
    Yet when I see these little Fur Babies
    Their Mom's pride and joy,
    Each seems to me to be
    Quite an ordinary Maltese girl Or boy!
    Of course I humor them along
    And say I think they're fine,
    But you can see the difference
    If you've ever noticed mine.
    My own is so much sweeter, smarter,
    More beautiful than theirs,
    I can afford to humor them
    When they put on such airs.
    I'm really glad that I don't brag
    Like other Malt Moms do.
    I've so much more to brag about
    If I just wanted to!


    Roses are red Violets are blue,
    This poem's for you
    And other Dog lovers too...
    Puppy is Red,
    My skin is all blue,
    He attacks my shins
    And bites through my shoes.
    Puppy is red
    Don't make him blue,
    Get that meal ready
    Or he'll sass at you.
    Kongs are red
    The toy box is blue,
    You'd think he'd like them
    Wouldn't you?
    Puppy is red
    His last toy was blue.
    You won't find it
    Till you pick up his poo.
    Roses are red
    We don't have any more.
    He ate the last one
    After he crashed through the door.
    Puppy is red
    He teethes on your face,
    Chews on the bed,
    Toys all over the place!
    Puppy is red
    He's full of life.
    He tackles everything
    Mostly my wife...
    Author Unknown


    What is a puppy mill?
    It is a place full of sorrow
    Where all the sad faces
    Dread another tomorrow.
    The young and the old
    The sick and the lame
    None are safe
    In this money making game
    And who are these humans
    That subject them to squalor
    To pain and disease
    To make another dollar
    The lucky ones make it out
    They have managed to survive
    To end up in pet shops
    Most barely alive
    They stare at you
    With eyes that cry
    Would someone please tell me,
    Why oh why.
    Don't pass by that cage
    But look hard and long
    Then tell the store owner
    That this is terribly wrong
    These creatures we love
    Don't deserve such a plight
    Stand up for the helpless
    Help them win their fight
    Author Unknown

    Submitted by Cathy Brown

    I never was a mother,
    With children of my own,
    But small creatures needing loving hands
    Found their way into my home.
    My brother's cat, the neighbor's dog,
    An AIDS victim's last request,
    To each and every one of them,
    I promised to do my best.
    Sad eyes behind the shelter bars,
    A beloved pet was lost.
    I vowed that I must get him out,
    No matter what the cost.
    This type of work fills my heart
    As each I get to know.
    They stay to rest, grow healthy, strong,
    Then I must let them go.
    To new homes and new lives,
    With my prayer for love-filled years.
    I watch my charges leave one day
    As I hold back my tears.
    Someone assigns us each a part
    To play life's great game.
    No, I never was a mother
    But the role was near the same.
    Terry Albert

    Submitted by Cathy Brown

    One Pet, Two Pets
    Old Pets, New Pets

    He's too big. Too small.
    Too short. Too tall.
    She's too fat, too thin.
    We're going on vacation, again.
    This one ate my Dad's false teeth.
    This one ate a whole roast beef.
    This one chewed up the couch.
    We hate to have him in our house.
    I do not like this one at all.
    He doesn't come to me when I call.
    The black dog there sheds too much hair.
    The white cat's owners didn't care.
    He doesn't match the new decor.
    We just don't want him any more.
    He's old. It's time to get a pup.
    We just can't stop him from jumping up.
    He runs away. He barks a lot.
    She's digging up the flower pot.
    We can't afford the cost to spay.
    We're moving very away.
    The landlord says "He's got to go!"
    He takes so much time, we didn't know.
    He was a gift from my ex-wife.
    We just can't have him in our life.
    It seems he makes Aunt Nellie sneeze.
    So here, he's yours, take him please.
    What you never hear, they never say:
    It breaks my heart to give 'em away.
    I love him, but I just can't cope.
    I've lost my job, I have no hope.
    I think I'll never sleep again.
    I'm letting go of my best friend.
    Please, this time hear me when I say:
    A pet is for life.... not just Christmas Day!
    By Terry Perrin


    Make '99 A Year To Remember - Make yourself or a dog loving friend a present of the 1999 Maltese Calendar.

    Mary Stabile has agreed to donate $3.00 to our National Maltese Rescue Fund for every calendar sold through this special offer. Mary's Maltese is featured on the cover.

    This is a wall calendar and measures 12" X 12". The monthly photos of the Maltese are of extremely nice color quality. To get yours you can send a check or money order for $10.95 + $3.00 shipping for a total of $13.95 (NJ residents add appropriate sales tax) to:

    Mary Stabile
    6 Massing Place
    Milltown, NJ 08550

    (Please allow 1 week delivery time)

    I've got 2 calendars and they are really nice! Come on everyone! We need to support the National Maltese Rescue Fund! Let's show these furbabies we care about them.



    The Pet Perch retails elsewhere for $39.95, your cost through this Special Offer will be only $24.95 + $7.25 shipping & handling with $5.00 going to The National Maltese Rescue Fund. This special offer available only through the MalteseOnly Website. To get yours, simply mail a check or money order for $24.95 plus $7.25 for shipping and handling for a total of $32.20 (anywhere in the continental US), Florida residents add applicable sales tax to:

    Jay Bianco
    PO Box 383
    Mt. Morris, Pa. 15349

    Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery via UPS


    * 1-800-548-2423 *

    The National Animal Poison Control Center has a 24-hour toll-free number to assist with poisoning problems --


  • What Dogs Do For Us:
    Submitted by DebbieB

    Catch Frisbees.
    Keep a lonely night from being truly lonely.
    Keep our homes safe.
    Get us outside on beautiful fall days.
    Listen to our singing.
    Treat us like celebrities when we come home.
    Warm up our beds on cold nights.
    Star in our home videos.
    Make our hearts more vigorous.
    Take us outdoors on snowy winter days.
    Alert us to the arrival of the mail. Help us to live longer.
    Make us smile. Agree with everything we say.
    Warm our knees with their chins.
    Provide us use for old tennis balls.
    Signal when a thunderstorm is coming.
    Pull sleds.
    Help lower our blood pressure.
    Test how fast we can run.
    Keep the squirrels from overtaking our yards.
    Teach us the meaning of unconditional love.
    Take us out on rainy days.
    Teach our children about responsibility.
    Author unknown


    10. Dogs don't like Barney.
    9. Never borrows the car andwrecks it.
    8. Doesn't notice if your clothes are dorky and your
    hairstyle is from the 50's
    7. Won't grow up to blame you for sending them into years of
    6. Won't tie up the phone for hours
    5. Cute little puppies grow up to be dogs. Cute little babies
    grow up to be teenagers.
    4. You can give them dippy names.
    3. They never criticize your cooking.
    2. Nothing you do can gross them out.
    1. You can bury a dog in the backyard, no questions asked.
    Author Unknown

    Submitted by Kathy Merchant

    Good Afternoon. My name is Norm and I AM a dogaholic. I would like to welcome all of you to this month's meeting of "Dogaholics Anonymous." Some of you are here tonight because a friend or relative brought you here. You may be sitting here thinking that you are OK and that you really don't need any help. It is not easy to admit that you are a dogaholic and it is even harder to bring yourself to a DA meeting for help. DA is here to assist you. I have some questions to ask. If you can answer YES to more than three of the following, you have come to the right place. Can you say "Bitch" in public without blushing? Do you drive a station wagon, van or 4x4 when everyone else drives a real car? Do you have more than one car? One for you and one for the dogs? Do you spend your vacations and holidays going to shows, specialties and seminars when everyone else goes on a cruise? If you do go overseas, is it to London in March to attend Crufts? [or Finland in June to attend the World Dog Show?] Do you discuss things at the dinner table that would make most doctors leave in disgust? Do you consider formal wear to be clean jeans and freshly washed tennis shoes? Is your interior decorator R.C. Steele? Was your furniture and carpeting chosen to match your dogs? Are your end tables really dog crates with tablecloths thrown over them? Do you know the meaning of CD, CDX, UD, CGC, HIC, WC, JH, MH, CH, and OTCH? Is your mail made up primarily of dog catalogs, dog magazines and premium lists? Do you get up before dawn to go to Training Classes? Dog Shows? Seminars? [but have trouble getting up for "work?"] If you do have dresses, do they all have pockets? Do those pockets often contain freeze dried liver, Rollover or squeaky toys? When you meet a new person do you always ask them what kind of dog they have and pity them if they don't have one? Do you remember the name of their dog sooner than you remember their name? Do you find non-dog people boring? If you answered YES to one of the above, there is still hope. If you answered YES to two, you are in serious trouble. If you answered YES to three or more, you have come to the right place. My advice to all of you with three or more YES's is to sit back and smile, turn to the smiling person next to you and know that your life will always be filled with good friends and good dogs and it will never be boring.

    Submitted by Stephanie C. Hart 1. Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joy ride.
    2. Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure
    3. When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
    4. When it's in your best interest, always practice obedience.
    5. Let others know when they've invaded your territory.
    6. Take naps and always stretch before rising.
    7. Run, romp, and play daily.
    8. Eat with gusto and enthusiasm.
    9. Be loyal.
    10. Never pretend to be something you're not.
    11. If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
    12. When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle
    them gently.
    13. Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
    14. Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
    15. Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
    16. On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
    17. When you are happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
    18. No matter how often you are criticized, don't buy into the guilt thing
    and pout. Run right back and make friends.
    Author Unknown


    1. Have a torried one-night stand with a street mutt
    2. Try to understand that the cat is from Venus and I am from Mars
    3. I will no longer be beholden to the sound of the can opener
    4. Circulate petition that Leg Humping be a juried competition in major
    dog shows
    5. Call PETA and tell them what that surgical mak-wearing freak does to us
    when no one is around
    6. Take time from busy schedule to stop and smell the behinds
    7. Hamster: Don't let them figure out I'm just a rat on 'roids, or
    they'll flush my ass
    8. Always scoot before licking
    9. Grow opposable thumb, break into pantry, decided for MYSELF how much
    food is "too" much
    10. Get out of the castle more, maybe swim counter-clockwise this year
    11. January 1st: Kill the sock! Must kill the sock!!!! January 2nd-
    December 31: Re-Live victory over the sock
    12. I will NOT chase the damned stick unless I see it LEAVE HIS

    Submitted Halen Foster
    This reminds me of our sign in the window "Beware of the Dog"

    Upon entering the little country store, the stranger noticed a sign saying: DANGER! BEWARE OF THE DOG! poster on the glass door. Inside he noticed a hamless old hound dog asleep on the floor beside the cash register. He asked the store manager, "Is THAT the dog folks are supposed to beware of?" "Yep, that's him," he replied. The stranager couldn't help but be amused. "That certainly doesn't look like a dangerous dog to me. Why in the would would you post that sign?" "Because", the owner replied, "before I posted that sign, people kept tripping over him."


    The 12 steps that let you know you are addicted to Maltese and Submitted by Malteze

    1. We admitted we were powerless over our Maltese, that without our Maltese and the MalteseOnly, site that our lives would be totally unmanageable.

    2. We came to believe that the power of a Maltese's love is greater than anything we have every had to deal with, and that being in the MalteseOnly Chatroom everynight, is the only thing that could keep us sane.

    3. We made a decision to turn over our will and lives, to the care, feeding, loving, grooming, petting, housebreaking, vet treatments...etc, of our Maltese, and also all family members must do the same, or they will not be allowed to touch the furbaby.

    4. We have made a searching and total moral inventory of ourselves, and have found out that Maltese, know how to teach us all about living and having moral's we need to know.

    5. We have admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another Maltese owners, how much we love our Maltese.

    6. We are entirely ready to have the people in the MalteseOnly Chatroom & Discussion Forum remove all of our defects that might effect the character of our Maltese.

    7. Humbly have asked the people in the MalteseOnly Chatroom to remove our shortcomings that could in any way hurt our Maltese's feelings or health.

    8. We had made a list of all the Maltese, we might have hurt in anyway, and will buy any of them any doggie treat they might want.

    9.We had made a direct amends to any Maltese or Maltese owner, wherever possible, unless doing this might cause a Maltese or Maltese owner to feel bad.

    10. We continue to make a inventory of all the stuff our Maltese own, any thing we might have done ever to hurt our Maltese feeling, or the feelings of any other good Maltese owner, and when we are wrong we will promptly admitted it.

    11. Sort through email and chatroom messages to improve our standing with LibbyJ and Buster Johnson, to improve our concious contact with her or Jay as we understand them, have asked on the discussion form for the knowlegde of other Maltese owners, and hope that we have the computer time and power to carry them out.

    12. Having had a Maltese owners awakening at the result of the many hours of time in the chatroom, discussion form, and archives, we have tried to carry this message to all Maltese owners, and to practice the love that our Maltese deserve, for all that they give us.


    Taken from the Book What Do Dogs Dream About?
    By Tom Kuncl

    1. Legend says that the dogs chosen by Noah to accompany his family on the Ark were a pair of Afghan hounds. Science cannot prove that, but it's certain that Afghans were already a well-established breed at the time the great flood occurred.

    2. The oldest known remains of dogs found to date were discovered in Idaho. They're estimated to be about 10,500 years old. What dogs were doing in Idaho at that time remains an absolute mystery.

    3. Pekingese pooches (that's right, Peking as in China) were once a national Chinese treasure and only royal families were allowed to possess the cute little mops. So prozed were these dogs, that athe punichment for anyone crazy enough to try to smuggle one from the walled kingdon was death. However, leave it to the brave British to do just that. They took off with five (5) of the royal pups during the Boxer Rebellion in 1900, then sent them off by clipper ship to the homeland where they became an instant hit.


    Puppy Lemon Laws have become more and more common as mall pet stores become more common. As dog lovers are thrilled to see more people enjoying the companionship of dogs, the demand has created an industry that has more than its share of problems. Puppy Lemon Laws are an effort to address some of these problems. For more information please visit our new page at:


    Q:How do you cure fleas on a dog?
    A:Depends on what's wrong with them.
    "1001 Great Pet Jokes" by Jeff Rovin. Signet Humor

  • English Humor
    An American soldier, serving in World War II, had just returned from several weeks of intense action on the German front lines. He had finally been granted R&R and was on a train bound for London. The train was very crowded, so the soldier walked the length of the train, looking for an empty seat. The only unoccupied seat was directly adjacent to a well dressed middle aged lady and was being used by her little dog. The war weary soldier asked, "Please, ma'am, may I sit in that seat?" The English woman looked down her nose at the soldier, sniffed and said, "You Americans. You are such a rude class of people. Can't you see my little Fifi is using that seat? The soldier walked away, determined to find a place to rest, but after another" trip down to the end of the train, found himself again facing the woman with the dog. Again he asked, "Please, lady. May I sit there? I'm very tired." The English woman wrinkled her nose and snorted, "You Americans! Not only are you rude, you are also arrogant. Imagine!" The soldier didn't say anything else; he leaned over, picked up the little dog, tossed it out the window of the train and sat down in the empty seat. The woman shrieked and railed, and demanded that someone defend her and chastise the soldier. An English gentleman sitting across the aisle spoke up, "You know, sir, you Americans do seem to have a penchant for doing the wrong thing. You eat holding the fork in the wrong hand. You drive your autos on the wrong side of the road. And now, sir, you've thrown the wrong bitch out of the window." Author Unknown

    Q. If there is H2O on the inside of a fire hydrant, what is on the outside?
    A. K9P


    Question : What is the most important thing in life your Maltese gives to you?
    Answer: Unconditional love, companionship and support.

    I want to hear the most memorable stories you have regarding your Maltese. Something really special. Please submit to:

    I work at the local SPCA in Greenville, SC. I have only been there a few months, but I have learned quickly how easy it is to get attached to the animals that I work with daily. Someone had turned in a litter of big surprise since we take in nearly 2000 animals a month. But one of these little guys really touched my heart. He was so tiny and weak, but was fighting to survive. He looked barely weaned and was practically wild. No one could even pick him up. The decision was made to pull this little guy and see if someone couldn't foster him; socialize him a little and give him a chance. I wanted to try. What was I thinking? I have two cats of my own at home, not to mention my buddy "Landon", a rescued terrier mix, and our beautiful fuzzy-faced son, Beauregard, an eleven month old Maltese. Well, I brought this little fluff of a kitten home hoping for the best...He was very skittish, wanting to just hide out in his little crate. I was careful to keep my motley crew away from our visitor, since I didn't want to overwhelm him....Well, after a few days, curiosity got the best of Beau, and he sneaked into the extra room where our kitty company was resting. I got to missing him and searched everywhere calling, "Beau? C'mon baby..where are you?" Just as I prepared to panic, I noticed the door slighty ajar to the extra room and crept up quietly to see what damage had been done. There was Beau curled up on a blanket with the little kitten beside him. The kitten was purring like crazy! Beau was gently and carefully cleaning the kitten's ears. I called my husband and said, "The dog is grooming the cat...." Well, that little kitten saw Beau as a surrogate parent. Anywhere he went, the kitten went too. It was almost as if Beau understood what this little furry creature needed: to feel loved. And we all know how full of love our little furbabies are! Since then, Beau has become the official "Ambassador of Friendship" to all of the foster animals that come our way...He loves the job! I do have to be careful not to let any sick animals around, but most of my fosters are fairly healthy animals just in need of some TLC...and they get plenty of that with Beau on watch! The little kitten was just the first to be able to go on to hopefully loving homes after being fostered by a Maltese. And I know with Beau on the job, there will be a lot more, like the DachX and her litter of seven puppies, and the GIANT lab puppy rescued from under a house, and the female cat with the cute little nose, and.....well, we all know very well that the love of a maltese knows no bounds!
    Michelle Gray

    Weaver was sure that Fischer was trying to tell him something. He was worried that more than a year had gone by since Fischer´s death, because Weaver was a rational man who understood that dead dogs do not have the capacity to communicate with their erstwhile owners. Nevertheless, he was sure that Fischer was trying to tell him something. Weaver was a rational and a complex man. Weaver had never been able to cope with Fischer´s sudden, unexpected death, but over the last two months the images and memories had taken over so insistently that he had had to recur to anti-depressive drugs to continue to fulfil his duties to his family, associates and friends. All those memories, all those images were of happiness. Even those of Fischer´s death were not intolerable, because Fischer had died quickly, without fuss and with the same courage he had shown while alive. Weaver wondered whether he would be capable of dying as well as Fischer had died. Probably not. Clearly he had been unable to live with the wisdom and art with which Fischer had illuminated his own and his family´s life, that much was obvious. Weaver felt guilty. He believed his pain was selfish, that he was not so much sorry for Fischer as for himself, for his own loss. He blamed himself for not caring for his family as intensely as he had cared for Fischer. He felt that he had failed, that there was no longer time in which to make amends. Weaver felt like Fischer had been there forever, always generous, always willing, always alert, always alive, alive, Fischer would never die, his death notwithstanding. But Weaver felt empty. He continued to function by inertia, nothing mattered too much, of which he was ashamed. He believed that Fischer, wherever he was, did not approve of his current state of mind, and that made him feel even more ashamed. He sought refuge in remembrance. He had always treated Fischer well, always discharged his owner obligations, had never hit him, had never even thought of hitting him, of all the atrocities mankind was capable of the most unforgivable was to hit a dog, Weaver believed. He couldn´t even remember having been mad at Fischer, well, perhaps that time when Fischer had stolen one of his shoes and as a result he had been late for a business meeting. Weaver left the office without answering his secretary, who wanted to know where he was going. He drove to the place where Fischer was buried, talked to a man and gave him money. The man dug until Fischer´s small coffin was uncovered. Weaver took off his right shoe and put it alongside the coffin. Then, while the man was covering up the grave, he went downtown to buy a present for his family. On the car trip back home he realized how much more sensibility he had for the pedal without the shoe on. "What is the matter?" asked Weaver, under the incredulous gaze of his wife and two daughters. "Does a man have to come home every day at the same time? One comes home early, eager to see his three sweethearts and he is received by Dracula, Frankenstein and the Werewolf. What if I´m only wearing one shoe? It is my inalienable right, you will have to be careful, it is amazing how quickly intolerance can degenerate into fascism. It is time for some creativity to be injected into this house, we´re gonna have to put some salt and pepper into the stew, give it some taste. Not only have I decided that the four of us will go on a holiday abroad soon but tonight I am taking the three of you dancing. I am sure you cannot explain why you have to go around all day with both shoes on except for reasons of apelike imitation. One shoe on, one off, living by convention means missing the unexpected, the unforeseen, the height of the party." The younger daughter took off the left shoe and limped around the living room. "Not bad at all." she said. "She´s her father´s daughter." Weaver said. "I, too, am my father´s daughter." said the elder daughter taking off one shoe. ·"Listen honey. . ." began Weaver´s wife. "You listen to me, sweet witch" Weaver said, "I realize that lately I have not shown you how unbelievably, devastatingly, MichellePfeifferishly attractive you are, but that can be remedied, and it will, and how, but right now I need you to come up with your tender, kind, caring nature, by going to the car and bringing a gift I have purchased but forgotten because I have too many things to attend to, like wondering why we have to wear two socks, I find it an insufferable imposition and I have a feeling that before too long I may have to do something about it." "Omigod." Weaver´s wife said, heading for the door. "Mom." said the elder daughter. "Momma." said the younger daughter. "Darling." Weaver said. "Do I have to?" asked Weaver´s wife. "Yes." answered the three. Weaver´s wife took off one shoe before walking to the garage. When the Maltese puppy, just out of the crate, realized he had had the good fortune to land with four fools wearing only one shoe, he was so happy that he wetted the rug.
    El Inglés


    A special thanks goes out to the Sponsors of MalteseOnly:

    Woof Online Auctions


    Note: If you wish to submit an article, poem, joke, birthday, etc. for MalteseOnly News please send an email to: All submissions must be to me by the 25th of the month.


    Thanks to the many people who have made the Maltese Only Website and Newsletter such a success. A special thanks go out to our Sponsors.

    As quoted by Dr. Jane Leon, from America's Health Network, "Be good to your pets, they try so hard to be good to you and for you"

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  • February 1999
    Maltese Only News

    redbullet.gif - 0.1 KEditor's Note:
    Welcome to MalteseOnly News! MalteseOnly went online in May of 1996. Created by Jay and Bev Bianco of Mt. Morris, PA. Today over 1,600 visitors daily find themselves at this website.

    The Maltese Only site provides a multitude of information on the health, care and training of a Maltese. The Discussion Forum is the #1 Dog Discussion on the Internet.

    Maltese Only has the most dedicated fans on the Internet. This Maltese Only News is dedicated to them.

    To unsubscribe from the MalteseOnly Newsletter, simply go to then enter your email address and check "unsubscribe" and submit. You will be removed immediately from any future mailings and announcements.

    Libby Johnson, Editor

    Jay Bianco,Co-Editor

    East Coast
    Jay and Bev Bianco - (724) 324-9401
    Mt. Morris, PA

    Interested individuals may now subscribe to the new National Maltese Rescue email list of announcements. To subscribe or unsubscribe, point your browser to:



    • Rescue me not only with your hands but with your heart as well.
    • I will respond to you.
    • Rescue me not out of pity but out of love. I will love you back.
    • Rescue me not with self-righteousness but with compassion. I will learn what you teach.
    • Rescue me not because of my past but because of my future. I will relax and enjoy.
    • Rescue me not simply to save me but to give me a new life. I will appreciate your gift.
    • Rescue me not only with a firm hand but with tolerance and patience. I will please you.
    • Rescue me not only because of who I am but who I'm to become. I will grow and mature.
    • Rescue me not to revere yourself to others but because you want me. I will never let you down.
    • Rescue me not with a hidden agenda but with a desire to teach me to trust. I will be loyal and true.
    • Rescue me not to be chained or to fight but to be your companion. I will stand by your side.
    • Rescue me not to replace one you've lost but to sooth your spirit. I will cherish you.
    • Rescue me not to be your pet but to be your friend. I will give you unconditional love.
    ~Author Unknown

    And for all selfless volunteers...
    When a person who has given tirelessly and made it their life's work to save and succor abandoned animals and find them happy homes comes to the bridge, first one animal will stop and look into the distance, then more and more will look up and watch. For this is a person all the animals know about. As they have waited for their loved one(s), they have told the story of their rescue from loneliness, neglect and impending death, and the wonderful people who helped them until a special loved one could be found. O special friend of animals, you have been spotted, and all the dogs and other animal friends will run over the fields to thank the person who has enabled so many to have had good lives and memories. Then, will they all walk to the gate of St. Peter and say, "This is a person whose name is surely entered on the roll once for each of us whose life was changed." Then those friends who will be forever together step forward and, to the sound of great rejoicing from all the animals, cross the bridge together.


    Submitted by Robin Duffy
    "I sometimes thought of the final cause of dogs having such short lives and I am quite satisfied it is in compassion to the human race; for if we suffer so much in losing a dog after an acquaintance of ten or twelve years, what would it be if they were to live double that time?" SIR WALTER SCOTT

    "A Watchdog is a dog kept to guard your home, usually by sleeping where a burglar would awaken the household by falling over him"
    - Anonymous

    "Every boy who has a dog should also have a mother, so the dog can be fed regularly"
    - Anonymous

    "The dog has an enviable mind. It remembers nice things in life and quickly blots out the nasty."
    Barbara Woodhouse

    The Nation's No. 1 Dog Show

    Don't forget - Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show beginning Monday, Feb. 8, and continuing thru Wednesday, Feb. 10, 1999.

    Note: Group competition for the Working, Terrier, TOY, and Non-Sporting breed winners will be televised Monday, Feb. 8, from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on USA Network.

    Congratulations to MaryP's Fancy "Just Call Me Fancy" for winning First Place-Best Puppy 6-9 months in two shows.

    1/17/99 Tampa Bay Kennel Club Show in Brooksville
    1/18/99 Inverness Florida Kennel Club

    by Mani Niall

    5th Century, Rome Mid February was traditionally the time of the Lupercian festival, an ode to the God of fertility and a celebration of sensual pleasure, a time to meet and court a prospective mate. In AD 496, Pope Gelasius outlawed the pagan festival. But he was clever to replace it with a similar celebration, although one deemed morally suitable. He needed a "lovers" saint to replace the pagan deity Lupercus. The martyred Bishop Valentine was chosen as the patron saint of the new festival. Saint Valentine had been beheaded for helping young lovers marry against the wishes of the mad emperor Claudius. Before execution, Valentine himself had fallen in love with his jailer's daughter. He signed his final note to her, "From Your Valentine", a phrase that has lasted through the centuries. Pope Gelasius didn't get everything he wanted. The pagan festival died out, it is true, but he had further hoped people would emulate the lives of saints. Instead they latched onto the more romantic aspect of Saint Valentine's religious life. While not immediately as popular as the more passionate pagan festival, eventually the concept of celebrating true love became known as Valentines Day.


    Submitted by JL

    H = You have brought so much HAPPINESS into my life
    A = God has blessed me with a little ANGEL with fur
    P = The most PRECIOUS and perfect gift from above
    P = The PRETTIEST pedigree here on earth
    Y = YOU are the light of my life

    V = I VALUE the unconditional love you give me
    A = And APPRECIATE everyday I have with you
    L = You Have brought so much LOVE and laughter into my life
    E = And life with you is so EXCITING
    N = It's so fun to NUZZLE with're the best
    T = So amazingly TENDER...thank you
    I = I hope you know how much I IDOLIZE you
    N = And how NICE it is to come home and have you waiting for me
    E = I truly ENJOY every moment with you
    S = You are the SWEETEST, softest, and snuggliest little thing...I
    am truly blessed

    D = You are my dainty little DARLING
    A = Definitely the APPLE of my eye
    Y = YES.... you mean the world to me!!!
    Your Mommy, JL

  • Valentines Wish
    I would like to wish Lexi a Happy valentines day from her mommy and daddy--shelle and jimmy. "We love you very much!"

    For Tiffy:
    Tiffy, you were a Special Valentine's Day present (1985) to Dad from Mom You are so special that your name is Tiffany Valentine Tucker You have always been the sweetest puppy and are one of the best things that has ever happened in our lives we both love you so. Every morning the first thing we see is your beautiful little face- is it any wonder that for us "every day is a good day?" Happy Valentine's Day Sweet little Tiffany Valentine.
    Love, Dad and Mom

    For Bear:
    Happy Valentine's Day
    Cadeau D'Amour
    You are truly "A GIFT OF LOVE" Even though you are only six months old We have "Tucked You in Our Hearts" forever and we are so glad to be your Mom and Dad

    For Bear:
    Happy Valentine's Day Cadeau D'Amour "Bear" Love, Tiffy

    For Tiffy: Happy Valentine's Day, Tiffy I love you, Cadeau D'Amour (Bear)

    Special Valentine
    Submitted by Ingrid This is our special Valentine to our Comet. Comet, thank you for letting us choose you to become a part of our family. You've made us so happy and so much closer together. We love you very much. Mom, Dad, Veronica and Alessandra.

    Submitted by Bill Bruer

    V - Vigorous.
    A - Affectionate.
    L - Loving.
    E - Energetic.
    N - Never boring.
    T - Tender.
    I - Intelligent.
    N - Nosey.
    E - Eternally in our hearts.
    All these things describe my little Pearl.
    Bill Breuer and Pearl..

  • Valentine to Emma

    Emma Jean, Emma Jean You Are My Little Jelly Bean! Love You Lots, Mom Laurie Murphy

    VALENTINE - To Buster
    V - Very special love of a Maltese
    A - Always there when I need you
    L - Lots of licks and Wags
    E - Energetic
    N - Nosey / Always into everything
    T - Totally devoted & very loving
    I - I love you
    N - Never a dull moment with Buster around
    E - Eyes, they will melt the strongest heart
    Love Mommy & Daddy (Libby & Les)

    A Valentine to My Maltese
    Submitted by Cynthia Tucker Shaffer

    Voluptuous eyes, so black, yet so soft,
    Adoration their velvet does speak.
    Lifelong, your loving companionship,
    Eternal connection that my heart does seek.
    Nature's gift to all of mankind,
    Timeless the bond that we share;
    Infinite pleasure, kisses and love,
    Noble in deed and in care.
    Earth Angel, be mine, today and forever . . .
    Gift of my universe,
    Heaven on earth.
    Song of my heart,
    Priceless your worth.

  • To our Tai-Tai at Rainbow Bridge: You, sweet little boy, still light up our lives and our hearts. We send you all of our love on Valentine's Day as you romp and play with all of the other angels in that heavenly place. We still smile at the thought of you; our hearts are glad that you were ours to keep safe for a while; you enriched our lives so much; and you are not forgotten. Be happy, Little One! Love, Kisses and Hugs,
    Mommy, Daddy, and your little brother Kashi

    By Lori S. Mohr (as referenced by First Aid For Dogs by Tim Hawcroft)

    CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is the process of breathing life back into an unconscious human. A similar technique can also work effectively on dogs.

    The signs that indicate the need for CPR include unconsciousness, lack of arousal, lack of physical movement, or eye blinking. These symptoms can occur from drowning, choking, electrical shock, or a number of other situations.

    The key to canine CPR is remembering the ABCs: Airway, Breathing, and Cardiac compression.

    To perform the three techniques, follow these steps. Lay the dog on a flat surface on its right side and extend the head back to create an airway. Open the jaws to check for obstructions and if any exist and are not easily removed, do one of two things, depending on the size of the dog. For small dogs, hold them upside down by their back end and shake vigorously to try removing the obstruction. For large dogs, lay them on their side and, if necessary, use long-nosed pliers to remove the obstruction. Cup your hands around the muzzle of the dog's mouth so that only the nostrils are clear. Blow air into the nostrils with five or six quick breaths, again, depending on the size of the dog. Small dogs and puppies and require short and shallow breaths. Larger dogs need longer and deeper breaths. Continue the quick breaths at a rate of one breath every three seconds or 20 breaths per minute. Check for a heartbeat by using your finger on the inside of the thigh, just above the knee. If you don't feel a pulse, put your hand over the dog's chest cavity where the elbow touches the middle of the chest. If you still don't find a pulse, have one person continue breathing into the nostrils (mouth to snout), while another gives cardiac massage. Give the dog a cardiac massage by placing both hands palms down between the third and sixth rib on the chest cavity. For large dogs, place your hands on top of each other. For small dogs or puppies, place one hand or thumb on the chest. Use the heel of your hand(s) to push down for 10 quick compressions and then check to see if consciousness has been restored. If consciousness has not been restored, continue the compressions in cycles of about 10 every six seconds for 10 cycles a minute. After each cycle of compression, the other person should give the dog two breaths of air in the nostrils. If only one person is present, this procedure can still be done successfully.

    Once the dog has started breathing, contact a veterinarian immediately.

    Karen Pryor, Sunshine Books, 49 River Street Waltham MA 02453.

  • What is Clicker Training?

    "Clicker training" is a slang term used to describe a way of training animals that has become increasingly popular in the last decade because of its gentle methods. The scientific term for it is operant conditioning.

    The Clicker is a small plastic box with a metal strip that makes a sharp, clicking sound when pushed and released. Its value is that the unique sound doesn't get lost in the babble of words we are constantly throwing at our dogs. It is faster than saying "Good dog!" and allows the trainer to mark with great precision the behavior for which the dog is being reinforced. Paired with something the animal finds very reinforcing, the clicker becomes a powerful tool for shaping behavior.

    When you shape behavior, you reinforce closer and closer approximations of the actual behavior you are looking for. For instance, if you are trying to teach your dog to "shake hands" you would click and treat at first if he simply raised his paw just a bit off the ground. As you progressed, you would stop reinforcing a slight raise of the paw. You would now require that the paw is raised higher, and then the paw would have to come towards you, etc. Breaking the behavior down into TINY steps allows progress to be made quickly.

  • What is Operant Conditioning? Operant conditioning is the way any animal (including the human kind) interacts with and learns from its environment. Simply put, an animal tends to repeat an action that has a positive consequence and tends not to repeat one that has a negative consequence. Trainers can take advantage of that natural tendency by providing positive reinforcement following an action that they want the animal to repeat. In order for the animal to connect the positive reinforcement to the behavior that he is doing, the reinforcement must happen as the behavior is occurring, not afterwards. The actual reinforcement can't always be gotten to the animal at that precise instant, however. Trainers needed to find another way of letting the animal know that he was doing the right thing, so they began using a conditioned reinforcer. A conditioned reinforcer is anything that wouldn't ordinarily be something the animal would work to get. A primary reinforcer, on the other hand, is something that the animal automatically finds reinforcing, such as food or water. When a conditioned reinforcer is paired with a primary reinforcer, they become of equal importance to the animal. Enter the clicker as a conditioned reinforcer.

  • Getting Started:
    Your first step in using this type of training is to "pair" the click sound with a treat that the animal really likes. Click and treat a number of times until the dog begins to look for the treat when he hears the click. You are now ready to begin using the clicker to communicate with your dog.

    In order to reinforce the desired behavior, you must first get the behavior. Some behaviors occur naturally, such as sitting, lying down or barking. Not only do these behaviors occur naturally, but they are apt to occur at predictable times as well. You can place the animal in the situation where the behavior is most likely to happen and then wait patiently.

    An alternative for those who have no patience, and for those behaviors, such as shaking hands, playing dead or begging that do not occur naturally, there is another method. These behaviors can be elicited. An easy way of eliciting a behavior is to lure it with food. Teaching the "sit" is an easy way to demonstrate this method.

    Touch a treat to the dog's nose and then lift it up slightly and move it toward the dog's forehead. If you don't lift the treat too high, the dog will follow the treat with his nose and his rear end will just naturally hit the ground. You "click" as his rear end hits the ground (timing the click is critical!) and give him the treat. You have "lured" him into a sit. Repeat this several times and then simply "tease" him by touching a treat to his nosing briefly and then removing it. Chances are he will offer the sit to you. Once you have him offering you the sit, you can begin attaching the cue to the behavior.

    Cues are attached to a behavior only after you have the dog offering the behavior. This is because you can only teach one thing at a time, and since a cue without a behavior is useless, you might as well teach the behavior first. Remember that your dog does not understand English (regardless of what they say about Lassie ). A word only becomes meaningful when it has been paired with an action over many repetitions. So first get the dog to offer you the behavior on a regular basis; then put a name to it; fade the reinforcement as he becomes proficient.... and then start teaching another behavior!!!
    (Permission given by Karen Pryor to publish)

    Taken from the book "What Do Dogs Dream About?" by Tom Kuncl

    Yes, dogs dream, and while they aren't able to bore us with the details (as some of our other friends will), scientists are beginning to come up with a pretty good idea of what they're dreaming about. But, says Dr. Randy Lockwood, a behavior specialist for the American Humane Society, we still don't know as much about that as we would like. Science hasn't been too motivated so far to find out what dogs dream, but there's no doubt that they do- and they seem to enjoy it. Anyone who has watched a dog taking a nap is certain to have seen what clearly appears to be dream activity going on. That has been confirmed in the laboratory. Dogs do dream as measured by brain wave activity. "We can observe them at home twitching and moving their paws in a kind of sleeping/running motion and it isn't hard to imagine that the content of their dream involves some kind of activity. It isn't too far off the wall to assume that some of those dreams might be enjoyable to them just as ours are," Dr. Lockwood says. At the University of Virginia Medical School Sleep and Dream Laboratory, professor Robert Van de Castle has studied human and animal dreams for more than 30 years. He concludes that dogs do dream, but differently than humans.

    "Dogs probably just review things that have happened during the day and relive some exciting experience. You can see them twitch their tail or hear them growl as they review something that has happened, but I don't believe they will come up with some way to make things happen better as a result of dreaming or be able to put closure on some situation in the way humans are able," Dr. Van de Castle believes. However, other researchers believe dog dreams may be more important than scientists are now able to prove. "We come back to the basic problem of trying to relate to some animal activity in terms which we can relate to rather than perceiving it from the animal point of view," says Dr. Alan Beck, a professor at Purdue University. "When and if we are able to understand things from a dog's point of view, we may discover that dogs have a dream life every bit as significant as our own and one that serves some very useful purpose to them," he adds.

    by Cynthia Tucker Shaffer

    "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas with every Christmas card I write . . . "

    Looking back on Christmas 1998, our family truly experienced a "White Christmas," even though none of those beautiful, ethereal flakes were in evidence. It didn't matter; we created our own special version.

    My husband, our Maltese, Kashi, and I traveled to Columbus, Ohio, for a reunion with many of our family members from the Midwest. At a meeting point midway between our homes in Virginia and Iowa, we all gathered two days before Christmas at the new home of my sister, Colleen. Greeted by a roaring fire and exquisitely decorated surroundings, we were immediately immersed in the spirit of the season. Loaded down with gifts for all, we proceeded to fill her new home with box after box of gifts for everyone present, including, of course, the puppies. In retrospect, it was a very special time, for a very special reason.

    This was a year of firsts. Present were six adults, two lively and beautiful children, four Maltese, one hamster (white, of course!) and two exotic fish. Two of the Maltese were brand new babies, and we were breathless with anticipation to meet them.

    For years, my sister's daughters had been begging for a puppy. This year, the only entry on each of their Christmas lists was "a puppy." But not just ANY puppy, it had to be a Maltese puppy. Obviously we have taught them well, for they have caught the Maltese fever, and even at this young age they were yearning to carry on a family tradition. Mommy Colleen decided that, this year, they were old enough to behave responsibly in caring for a family pet.

    To fulfill the dreams of my nieces, we all searched and researched long and hard for a puppy that was just right. I contacted many people that I knew from the Maltese Only website, while my parents searched their area of the Midwest. We all finally decided on a beautiful new baby boy that would be just perfect for Katy and Maggie. (My parents traveled to meet the breeder and the puppy available, and they strongly felt that "he was the ONE." My sister trusted their instincts, and that trust was well-placed).

    The puppy had already been named Toby, but my sister's family unanimously agreed on what his new name would be: He would be El Tigre (Tiger). Little Tiger was so spectacularly gorgeous at twelve weeks, that we could hardly believe our eyes! Also present at Tiger's homecoming was my parents' newest addition, "Bear." So full of life, ready to play any time, any place, he was a joy to behold. Their 14-year-old Maltese, Tiffy, was the Grand Dame of the proceedings, and cast a benign eye over all. Our Kashi, at three, in his red Christmas topknots, didn't quite know what to make of it all. Being an only child, we were amazed at his tolerance level, especially with the new babies!

    The ultimate moment arrived on Christmas morning when my parents gifted their granddaughters with their first taste of the Maltese good life. As Tiger arrived at his new home, peeking out of my Dad's coat pocket, one could literally feel the thrills and chills going through the room! My nieces met their new little love with such glee that the room could hardly contain it (tears were shed, and not just a few). We all fell in love on the spot, and Tiger fit right into our family, human and Maltese.

    This was the real meaning of our family's White Christmas.

    But beyond that, it was also a Maltese Only Christmas! My mother oohed and aahed over several of her gifts (purchased for her at the WOOF Auction): Santa and his Little Helper; beautiful red heart Maltese hand-painted ornaments; a Bears and Maltese figurine, in honor of their new baby, "BEAR." The girls even discovered Lisa Frank items and Maltese notecards in their Christmas stockings!

    As we were traveling back home to Virginia, Kashi heard me say: "Look! We're driving right past Mt. Morris. That's where Jay and Bev Bianco live, who maintain the wonderful Maltese Only website!" Kashi waved a paw and an ear as we passed by, gave a huge yawn, and then promptly fell back to sleep.

    It was a wondrous family Christmas, enhanced by the knowledge and gifts of the heart available on this site. A truly White Christmas, graced by four Maltese, aged fourteen years to three months. None of us could have imagined a more beautiful gift than this wonderful time of togetherness, spent with our angels on earth and our family members, hearts entwined in the special bond of this season of miracles.

    Postscript: We had hoped that my brother, Dan, would bring his pups as well! Hana and Grete, two lovely Shih Tzus, would have been the bookends in our canine family portrait. But as my brother aptly pointed out: "The girls are never separated, so they would have to be in the MIDDLE of the family photo. They would NEVER agree to function as bookends!"

    Cont'd from January '99

    11. You carry dog biscuits in your purse or pocket at all times.
    12. You talk about your dog the way other people talk about their kid.
    13. You sign and send birthday/anniversary/Christmas cards from you and your dog
    14. You put an extra blanket on the bed so your dog can be comfortable.
    15. You'd rather stay home on Saturday nite and cuddle your dog than go to the movies with your sweetie.
    16. Your dog sees the vet while you settle for an over-the-counter remedy from the drugstore.
    17. You open your purse, and that big bunch of baggies you use for pickups pops out.
    18. You get an extra-long hose on your shower-massage just so you can use it to wash your dog in the tub, without making the dog sit hip-deep in water.
    19. You don't think it's the least bit strange to stand in the back yard chirping "Buster, pee!" over and over again, while Buster tends to play and forget what he's out there for (but what your neighbors think of your behavior is yet another story).
    20. You and your dog come down with something like flu on the same day.
    Author Unknown
    To be continued

    Just this side of Hell is a place called the Flaming Bridge. When an abused animal dies, it stops by to discuss its life with the Keepers of the Flaming Bridge before continuing on to the Rainbow Bridge. The Keepers of the Flaming Bridge compile a Master List of animal abusers, so that they will be able to recognize them and confront them with their actions when they die. Across fields of flame roll cries of agony, mimicking the pain inflicted on the innocent animals by their heartless abusers. But the animals are not there crying out - they have gone on to Rainbow Bridge and their just rewards for the innocent lives they have lead. The cries come from the dark cohorts of the Keepers - savage beasts out of the worst nightmares of the animal abusers for whom they wait. Patiently, they wait, planning for the day when the abuser arrives. Then one day, their cries grow more urgent. Their eyes burn with an eerie, unearthly glow. Savage glee lights their hideous faces, and as one they turn and run. Faster and faster they run, flying over the ruined land, drawn on by their quarry. The abuser has arrived at last, and when the pack reaches him they fall upon him to wreak their vengeance. His flesh is flayed from his body as their reeking breath and shrieking laughter fill his agonized consciousness. But he does not die - his pain will continue, forever. Then the pack drags the abuser across Flaming Bridge, down into that special place in Hell reserved just for "people" like him...
    -Author wishes to remain anonymous


    On January 26,1999, at 5:45am, MARGARET ROZIK died. She was 77 years young. Margaret dedicated her life to the breed, and cheerished every moment she got to share with her dogs and the wonderful friends she had made over the numerous years.

    For those of you that do not know Margaret Rozik, she was instrumental in all aspects of this breed for over 30 years. The Villamalta breed her legacy and will live on for a long time. Margaret will always be loved and missed by her family and friends, but never forgotten.


    WILD SIDE ANIMAL PRODUCTIONS, INC. would like to thank and congratulate Julie Phillips of Naples, Florida who is arriving in Miami Sunday (Superbowl Sunday) to have her dogs play a role in the Oliver Stone movie that is being shot in South Florida.

    By Sue Pleming

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said Tuesday it had approved the first two drugs to treat behavioral problems in dogs.

    One of the drugs, a meat-flavored pill called Clomicalm, treats separation anxiety, a common ailment among dogs who miss their owners. The second, Anipryl, treats a syndrome that affects the cognitive skills of older dogs.

    ``These are important new drugs which can be used to help prolong the quality of life of dogs and their relationship with their owner,'' said the FDA's head of veterinary medicines, Dr. Stephen Sundlof.

    ``Dogs certainly have neurological problems just like humans do,'' he said in an interview, adding that he thought pet owners and humane societies would welcome the new drugs.

    The drugs are part of a new approach to treating dogs with behavioral problems, providing veterinarians with similar tools available to doctors treating humans.

    Clomicalm, which is sold by Novartis Animal Health U.S. Inc., a unit of Swiss-based Novartis AG, be prescribed for dogs older than six months and stems from an anti-depressant called Anafranil that is used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorders in humans.

    However, Sundlof said it would not be used to treat depression in dogs because veterinarians were not sure whether canines suffered from this illness that is so common in humans. ``We don't know if they get depression or not, but one of the behavioral anomalies they do suffer from is anxiety,'' he said.

    About 20-40 percent of all dogs presented to veterinarians with behavioral problems suffered from separation anxiety, said Sundlof. They became particularly worried when left alone by their owners or people to whom they are attached, suffering separation anxiety -- a common problem among human toddlers.

    If used together with behavior-modification training, Clomicalm relieved some of the anxiety and made dogs less prone to aberrant behavior. ``This behavior included excessive barking, chewing up shoes or rugs as well as inappropriate urination and defecation,'' said Sundlof.

    During the FDA's eight-week trial of some 100 dogs, the side-effects from Clomicalm included vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst and appetite fluctuations.

    The other drug, Anipryl, from Pfizer Inc., treats Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome in dogs, an age-related deterioration in which a dog's cognitive skills are affected. Such changes in a dog's behavior included disorientation, decreased activity, loss of house training and altered greeting behavior and responsiveness to family members.

    ``In clinical trials, Anipryl was shown to be effective in controlling clinical signs associated with CDS. However, onset, duration and magnitude of response varied with individual dogs,'' the FDA said in a statement. FDA veterinary medical officer Ann Stohlman said pet owners should monitor their dogs closely and decide whether Anipryl was effective. Anipryl stems from a drug called Eldepryl that is used to treat Parkinson's disease in humans. Alice Coram, a communications manager for Novartis, said Clomicalm would be available starting in mid-February and would cost pet owners about $1 a day. The company planned a major promotional campaign for the treatment, she said. ``This opens up an exciting new avenue in behavioral treatments for dogs,'' said Coram.

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