Now HEAR This!
I once had a pet owner complain that she had been treating her dog for what she thought were ear mites (a parasite found in the ear) for weeks and had not been successful at resolving the problem. Upon examination of her dog's ear canal, I found several pieces of spear grass embedded near the ear drum and gently extracted them. All the ear mite medication in the world would not have re-solved the problem.
To understand the dog's ear problems better, we must initially understand that the dog's ear canal is anatomically different than that of the human ear. Unlike the human ear, the dog's ear has two compartments. Beginning at the opening of the ear canal, the vertical canal travels downwardtowards the dog's jaw. Then it makes a 45 degree turn and travels horizontally towards the ear drum. This makes visualization and treatment of the entire canal more difficult. Also, as a rule, most breeds have a much longer ear canal than humans. These differences predispose the dog's ear to infection as well as make treatment more difficult.
Dogs with long, pendulous ears, such as Cocker
Spaniels, Labrador Retrievers, Basset Hounds and Irish
Setters, certainly are more predisposed to ear problems than those breeds
with short, erect ears. As the ear folds,
it covers the ear canal and prohibits air from entering and drying the
The result is a moist, warm ear canal that is
a perfect environment for organisms to grow.
Parasitic Problems
Inflammation of the ear canal, or otitis externa,
can be caused by a number of factors, such as parasites,
microorganisms, foreign bodies, tumors, and underlying dermatological (skin)
Ear mites are parasites that often can cause
otitis externa. However, the incidence is much lower than
often thought. In my experience, less than 10 percent of all ear problems
in dogs that I have treated are the result
of ear mites. Ticks and fleas are other examples of parasites commonly
found in canine ear canals.
Ear mites can be problematic, however. An elderly gentleman once explained that he thought his dog was "going crazy." He said his old setter would sleep by the fireplace. Suddenly it would jump up yelping and begin to run around the room in circles. After several minutes of hystericalcommotion, the dog would lie down again and go back to sleep.
After pondering the situation, I examined the dog's ears and found a heavy infestation of ear mites. It appeared that as the heat from the fire warmed the dog's ear canals, the mites would became agitated and began to move around. As the old setter would run around the room, the ears wouldcool down and the mites would stop their activity. Then the dog would return to the fireside.
An important point to remember is that ear mites are parasites. Therefore, for your dog to have ear mites, it must have had direct contact with another pet infested with ear mites. So if your veterinarian diagnoses one animal in your house with ear mites, it is best to have all of your animalsexamined for possible infestations.
Dastardly Yeast Infections
The most common cause of canine ear problems that
I see is caused by microorganisms,
particularly yeasts. Malassezia pachydermatitis
usually is the culprit, and it loves to proliferate in warm,
moist environments such as the dog's ear canal.
Owners will notice the dog shaking its head or scratching at its ears. A good sniff near the ears usually verifies a problem, as most infectious otitis ears are quite pungent. Certain bacteria such as Staphylococci, Streptococci, E coli, and Pseudomonas spp also can cause infections in the dog'sear, and in many cases both bacteria and yeast are present. If the infection persists, the ear canal will become inflamed and often discharge a purulent exudate, a pussy substance.
Your veterinarian usually will take an ear swab
and examine it under a microscope to determine the exact
cause of the infection. This will enable a specific treatment plan to resolve
the problem.
Often, treatment will include flushing the ear
canal with an antimicrobial solution and drying agent.
An anti-inflammatory injection is then administered
to reduce swelling and relieve the pain. The appropriate
topical medication also will be dispensed for further treatment by the
pet owner.
Remember, all ear infections are not caused by
the same microorganism; therefore, treatment without
proper examination is strictly guessing.
As a pet owner, it is important to know that persistent
or recurring ear infections in a dog
commonly are manifestations of other concurring
disease processes. Allergies and hypothyroidism are
good examples. Systemic allergies often cause dermatitis and itching in
the ear canal, which predispose self-trauma
and subsequent ear infection. Hypothyroidism may manifest itself asincreased thickness of the skin and continual release
of exudate in the ear canal, which favors an environment
for otitis externa.
Practicing Proper Ear Care
Proper ear care for the dog can often prevent recurring infection. Dogs with a history of ear disease require routine cleaning of the canals. I recommend plucking all hair that grows in the canal. Hair impedes air flow into the canal that tends to keep the canal dry. Common household tweezers orforceps work well and usually are well tolerated by the dog. Be careful not to grasp the skin of the canal. After hair removal, flush the ear canals with a commercial ear cleaner. These products can be found at most veterinarian clinics or pet shops. After flushing, gently massage the base of theears to distribute the solution around the normal ear folds.
Most ear cleaners have several functions. They
not only clean the ear canal but also have an agent for
liquefying exudate, drying the ear canal, and changing the pH (acidity)
in the canals. Most microorganisms prefer
an environment that is alkaline; therefore, most ear preparations have
an acid base. Frequency of treatment will
vary among individuals, but once a week during the warm months
is a good rule of thumb for those dogs that have had problems with infected
ears. Also, any time your dog is bathed or
enters the water, an ear cleaning solution should be administeredimmediately afterward. This preventative is similar
to what humans do to ward off "swimmer's ear."
Dogs without a history of ear problems may be
treated with an ear cleanser after bathing.
It is not wise to use cotton tip applicators in
the ear canal. This can be quite painful to the dog.
Also, I don't recommend using alcohol in a dog's
ear. Alcohol will dry the ear, but if there is inflammation
or small scratches in the canal, the alcohol will burn and cause tremendous
pain and further inflammation. If you must
use a product from the shelf at home, use white vinegar diluted50:50 with water.
Good preventative ear care can eliminate needless
trips to your veterinarian and save a lot of discomfort
for your dog. Watch your dog carefully for scratching at its ears or shaking
its head.
Have your groomer check for an ear problem each
time you take your dog in, and at home take the
time to check your dog's ears for redness, odor or the presence of exudate.
If you determine there is a problem with your
pet's ears, don't wait. Let your veterinarian do a thorough examinationand direct specific treatment before the problem
Canine Ear Checklist
You may need to take your dog to the vet for a thorough examination if it:
Shakes its head or scratches
its ears
Lives with other pets
with parasitic infestations
Exudes a pungent odor
from its ears
Has long, pendulous
Lives in a humid environment
Loves to swim or bathe
Has a history of recurring
ear infections
Dr. Thomas has been a practicing veterinarian
in Lewisville, Texas, for 15 years. He has written numerous
articles about pet health published in several magazines and newspapers.
This article was published in Dog World magazine,
November 1996 edition.