terrible behavior--please help!!

My Ernie is almost 7 months old. He is losing his baby teeth and his behavior is less than desirable! My husband and I work full time, and we spend all of our "extra" time at home, but it does not seem to be enough for Ernie. He is destroying my home--every single time I turn my back, he's tearing something up and/or using the bathroom in my carpet. I thought we got the "peepee outside" thing down, but this week he has been terrible. Let me name a FEW things that we no longer have in our home: any lamps in which cords run along the floor, no table clothes, no garbage cans (in sight), and today I had to throw out what was left of my Christmas tree when Ernie decided it would be fun to grab the garland and run - down the hall with all the ornaments flying!! I manage to save a few balls of my tree, but the topper, bows, etc-- ALL GONE. This behavior is totally unacceptable, and I am at my wits end trying to punish my little guy. Could someone please tell me how to punish Ernie so that he learns what is right and wrong, and tell me why I should not feel so guilty after doing it? MUCH THANKS!!

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