During obedience school, I had to get there extra early to try and calm her down. She would bark and incite all the other dogs. She particularly liked to target large vicious looking dogs. Needless to say, we weren't the most popular pair in the class.
Does anyone know of a way to get her to be a little more
friendly with other dogs? I'm starting to think there's a
pitbull mentality stuck inside a Maltese body.
She has to absolutely positively know that you are in charge at all times. When you approach another dog and she goes for it she MUST be corrected for her actions. Once she starts to stop the behavior then praise her like crazy!!! Remember you are responsible for her not her having to take charge of you. You are walking her she is not taking you somewhere. Get it?? Keep repeating the visits with other dogs and if she does not go for them right away praise her alot. If she starts to get nippy, correct her and then bring her back to the dog and try again. Even though you have a small dog this is unappropriate behavior for any dog any size.
Dogs have to know their place and learn to get along with people, other dogs, and learn to behave in new situations. They must look to you for love and guidance just like children they need rules to make them feel secure. You dog does not know who is boss and is trying to take over and be the leader--hugh mistake.
Check out dog behavior and training books and read up on how to correct your dog. I can only type so much and can not give you the one on one help you need. You can e-mail me with other concerns and I will be glad to give you my 2 cents worth. You can also seek professional help through trainers, or behaviorists.
I have a shep mix that I rescued and for social contact I brought
her to my in-laws over Christmas. I wanted alot of people around
both young and old and to have an over stimulating atmosphere. In
other words I wanted her to get stressed out! I needed to see how
she would behave and also so I could correct her. Well she was
getting in the way with opening packages and so I put her on her
leash and made her lay down next to me. She did not want to be
stuck to the coffee table and whinned alot. Event though I told
her to be QUIET! she started again and again. So I gave in and
let her off leash. Where did she go?? To the top of the stairs
to get away from all the noise but close enough to see mom and soon
fell fast asleep! SMART DOG! Moral of the story all dogs should
be well adjusted so that you can take them ANYWHERE! and they will
behave beautifully like my mix. Keep us posted!