Larger Maltese
I breed and show and prefer the larger healthier maltese. C sections are very hard on the mothers, tiny to me is a mistake. I will not breed one. A pet owner with a large
maltese should be proud and pleased that they don"t have medical problems
as most of the tiny ones have.. Most of the great maltese champions were
not small by any means.
Pauline Bowen-Images Maltese
- I also agree with Jay and Pauline. My maltese Muffin is never sick
and she weighs almost 9 pounds. Now my little yorkie Joey weighs
only 3 lbs. I have him to the vets at least once a month for something! I
think the extra 6 pounds make my Muffin healthier!
- My maltese weighs in at around 9 pounds also. I am glad to hear that this
is normal. I thought she was my "Baby Huey". I agree that being bigger
tends to make them healthier and safer. The maltese I had before this one
was so small she fell through the furnace vent in the floor (someone had
taken the register off). I could hear her, but I could'nt find her. I had
to stick my arm down the vent as far as it would go and pull her out by her
hair. Poor thing.
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