Baby Teeth
My Maltese, Lulu is 6 months old. She was at the vet on Saturday for her
rabies shot and the Doctor checked her teeth. Lulu has all her adult teeth
but still has 6 baby teeth, for example she has 4 upper front teeth - 2
adult and 2 baby. The vet says this is common in the smaller breed dogs.
She suggested when I have Lulu spayed to get her baby teeth pulled out at
that time. Has anyone heard of this? Is there still a chance for her baby
teeth to fall out? Is this why she's been chewing anything and
everything like a maniac (it must be uncomfortable with all those teeth!)
- I have two Maltese and they both have had some my male had two and
my female only one of their baby teeth still remaining when I took them to
be "fixed". The vet said the same as yours, no big deal, we have had no
problems since. My male is going to 5 on the 14th of December and my female
is 15 months. They are just the neatest little dogs I have ever had and we
just adore them. Good luck with yours!
- My Maltese had the same thing. She is a show dog, so very early she had the
teeth removed. She had not been tatoo's yet (the breeder didn't have the
heart) so I had to do it. It only cost about 80.00 canadian so it wasn't
too bad. She has perfect teeth and bite, so it was worth it.
--Joanne Charlesworth