by Vicki
Does anybody have "The Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Dogs and Cats" put out by Prevention Magazine Health Books? It says, 'Over 1,000 Soulutions to your pet's problems from top vets, trainers, breeders, and other animal experts, by the editors of Prevention Magazine Health Books'? I was thinking about sending for it, but wanted to know if anyone has it and what they think of it. I may send for it anyway. It has a postage-paid return label if I don't want to keep it. Anyway..just curious.
Hi Vicki, I have a wonderful book at home, I'll have to check the name of it and let you know. I call it my "Bible". I'll get back to you.
-Karen Kalamaras
Hi Vicki,
I did purchase "The Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Dogs
and Cats." I had a coupon too, but I had our local
bookstore order it first, so that I could look at it.
I thought it contained some interesting stuff...
I also have the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
Book of Dogs...
So whether you order it by mail, or your bookstore, maybe
you could at least look at it first.
Good luck.
-Bel Herrington and the m & m & m girls