Bloody Stool


Sue Ham
We just got our Maltese puppy (3 mos old) 8 days ago. About 5 days ago we noticed blood in his stool. We took him back to the Vet, who thought he might have Giardia, and she gave him medication (Albon Oral Susp. 5%). He's been taking this for 4 days not, and the problem seems to be getting worse, not better. He has another appointment tomorrow (soonest I could get him in), but I am very concerned. Also, for the past couple of days we've noticed he's been sort of hiccuping a lot, but I don't think it's genuine hiccups. Could this possibly be some type of mild seizure activity? Does anyone have any experience with these types of problems? Thanks! Sue


Take your puppy to another vet. My puppy did this but I called the emergency room, and the told me to give her some pepto bismol and if it did not stop bring her in, else bring her in the next day. The pepto bismal stopped the blood in the stool that night. I took her in the next morning and she had a rare form of parasite, they said probably contracted in shipping. Your vet should be more concerned than to make you wait this long to return.

I'm sorry you had to wait so long to see the vet. I agree with Kay--get another vet--one who has someome on call 24 hours a day who is willing to meet you at the hospital if necessary. You are wise to check the dog's stools. Sometimes it provides a clue. Of course, if the dog has been eating processed dog food or colored biscuits, there may be dyes in them that can tint the animal's stool. However, there are some natural indications to look for. A "pale, chalky" stool is a sign that there may be a pancreas problem. "Dark, tarry" feces is a sign that blood is coming from the small intestines, and this could mean the dog has worms or a number of other problems, including cancer. "Mucus" in a dog's stool is a sign of an inflamed colon, either from whipworms or from an irritation to the colon, perhhaps from poorly digested food. Another sign to look for is "blotches of blood" in the feces. The blood will be clearly identifiable. Blotches of blood usually originate inthe large intestine and they could be caused by a minor irritation such as a bone or rough food. In these cases the problem should clear up within 24 hours. If not, have the dog checked by the vet. Actually, the solidity of the feces is a more significant indication of the dog's health than the color. They should be somewhat firm, and not runny or diarrheic. By the way, my dog hiccups--usually from eating too fast. I give her a few laps of water--it stops. I hope your little one gets better soon!

Diane Bruner
I also had this problem with my 2 year old, male maltese this weekend. I rushed him to emergency and they said he was slightly dehydrated and that he could have pancreitis. They hydrated him by putting water under the skin on his back. By the time we got home 4 hours later he was drinking water and is himself again. When I spoke with my personal vet he felt that the dog had a bout of colitis. (He is very nervous) But its very scary to see blood. He also had the hiccups.

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