We have had a Maltese in the past, raised from a puppy and we trained the
dog to live in the house and bark at the door when he wanted to go outside.
Is it too late for a four year old dog? We also put our dog through a 4
week training coarse where he learned about 10 commands and to heel. Can we
do this with a 4 year old dog. Can we change the dog's name?
However, on the name change, I am not so sure. You might try calling
him by the name you want and see how it works. But, I am unsure if he
will be confused. I am no expert, but what I think I might try is
combining the old name and the name you want and then when he gets used to
that, drop off the old name. Like going from Fluffy to Sweetie, for a while
call him Fluffly Sweety. Then when you think he is used to that just do the
Sweety. Any thoughts from anyone else? Good luck. I just can't imagine a maltese being a yard dog. You are doing a really good thing.
Rebecca J.