We live in Australia and also have a 6 months old Maltese, Cosmo.
He is also in the middle of his teething process and his back teeth
are cutting through very red and swollen gums. I too feed him
Eukanuba Puppy food but he went off his food completly a few weeks
ago. Human food would have been his prefered choice but I wasn't
going to give in (my mother gave him some of our chicken and some
ham once and it took me several day to get him to eat his dry
food again). What I am doing at the moment is soaking his dry
food which makes it easier for him to chew (he looked like he was
in pain when he was eating it dry. He is still not as keen on it
as he used to, but as this is a very good dog food I will persevere.
I leave the food out for him to eat for a lot longer than I used to
and he eventualy finishes it. Naturally I will put him back onto
the dry food as soon as his permanent teeth come though.
The quantities are about 1 1/2 oz of dry Eukanuba soaked in a bit
of water twice a day and Cosmo seems to be thriving.
So don't worry about Pepper, he will be fine. I have been following
his progress for some time now and I have been using some of the
advice for myself but this is the first time that I actually poste
something. Pepper is about the same age as Cosmo(11/10/96) so
the growing pains (if any) are quite similar.
There is only one question that I have for anyone that can help.
Cosmo's two top baby canines are still stongly embeded in his
gaw. The aduld canines howerver have already come through and are
in close contact with the baby canines. I read on this page that
with show dogs the baby teeth are pulled out before the new ones
grow. The trainer at Dog Obedience told me that I would have to
take him to the vet and have them pulled out. I don't want to put
him through that unnecessary trauma if they will eventually fall
out on their own without damaging the adult teeth. If I ask the
vet I know that he will have them extracted (vets around here are
very much into surgical procedures). Maybe I could do it myself
with a piece of thread like I used to do with the kids teeth?