Vaccines--Half doses
A few days after we got our female maltese, I took her to my vet for the
vaccinations. The day after she was barely consious.!! The emergency
vet said her glucose level was extrememly low. I spoke with the breeder
who said that "her" vet usually gives half doses of the vaccines. My
puppy is 1.6lbs and was given 1cc of parvo and hepititis. A few days
later she developed small scabs on her back. My vet, how told me that
skin problems were a sign of a reaction to the vacc. refuses to give her
half doses from now on. My question is-- Will my puppy be properly immunized with
half doses and if not then what are my options so that she lives through
these vaccinations. Please help Thanks,
- Something to warn Maltese owners about is Lepto. When your dog gets its
DHLPP shot ask the vet about giving it to them without the L (Lepto).
Maltese have been known to be highly allergic to this and I have seen
Maltese turn very pink and swell up, almost unconscious and it was an
ellergic reaction to this in the vaccination. I don't know about half
doses, you may want to call another vet to get a second opinion?
- If your vet refuses to give a half dose after the reaction your
puppy had, you should consider another Vet. Your vet should
always take your wishes into consideration. He does not have to
agree, but you are not required to follow his recommendations.
What would you tell a Dr. that wanted to give a child a shot
that you felt could cause the child harm. My vet offers the
half dose to small dogs. Find a Vet more willing to consider
your wishes.
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