I'm sorry to say but I do not agree with Cathy on letting your
dog "play bite" because he is teething or waiting until he grows
out of it. ANY biting should be taken VERY seriously. This type
of behavior should not be tolerated at all. Can you imagion if
your little dog decided to play bite your 2 yr old? Some dogs will
get more excited because they see/hear a reaction from you and
will actually get wound up and bite harder/again. True puppies
do need to chew to work on getting their "big" teeth. So if your
dog bites you, GENTLY grab your dog by the scruff of the neck and
pull him back saying NO BITE! Next replace your flesh with a toy
he can chew on and when he accepts it and starts to chew on it
PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE your pup. Soon he will get the idea and you
should be able to just use your voice saying NO BITE! He will stop
and look up and you at which time you will praise again because he
has stopped his nasty behavior.
I know that maltese are cute and tiny and probably can't do as
much harm as say a GSD (german shepherd dog) but you are not only
looking as biting as an action, there is alot of psychological
factors as well. If a dog is allowed to bite when it pleases it
will think it is better or like us dog folk say more "alpha" than
you. Soon he will start to growl because he doesn't want to be
petted, you are too close to him when he is eating, you changed
the channel, you are sitting on HIS couch. I have heard of owners
not being able to get in their own bed because the dog will bite!
Who wants to live like this??
So I say for the safety of your children, or children that will visit,
and for grandmas sake, correct ALWAYS for biting! If not you can
expect more behavior problems to follow. I don't tolerate this type
of behavior from my little pugs OR my shepherd/malamute mix. If I
did I wouldn't be able to type this post :)