However, its not all boring here at the Bhe-Jei household and my guys do get
SOME table food -- but it is strickly as TREATS. My Maltese KILL FOR baked
potato skins, pizza crust, pita bread, carrots, scrambled eggs, cottage
cheese. In all cases they are are given as extras and they are made special
-- they don't get them everyday so they don't depend on them. They eat
their regualar food well and when they get treats it is with their regular
food and not feed from the table.
Bobbie Linden - Bhe-Jei Maltese
Also, some scraps aren't even real good for adults, let alone dogs. Maltese stomachs can be more sensitive to rich foods than large dogs, so you are tking some risks.
Tiffany enjoys 2 high quality dry foods and I will give her one flavor
in the AM and one flavor for dinner. Sometimes, and I mean sometimes, If I
have leftovers that I feal are good for her, like lean meat, I will cut a
very small portion and give it to her as a treat... but the next day and
when WE are not eating. Tiffany is the first dog I ever had that really
loves her dog food and behaves during dinner. Good Luck.
I still feel I am correct in my reply that table scraps are an excellent addition to commercial dog-food diets as long as it doesn't constitute more than 1/4 of your Malteses daily diet. If you feed your 6 lb Maltese(avg weight) almost 3/4 cup (6oz) of dry food a day (which is the recommeded daily feeding amount for adult dogs with normal activity!!) then no more than 1 oz. of leftover meat, etc. would be ok. One might be surprised as to how small of a portion a 1 ounce piece of say, steak or hamburger, would look like.
All dogs need a moderate amount of fat. If your Malteses diet is deficient of fat, he/she could be thin and have scaly and/or itchy skin and also could have a dry hair coat. Also, fat intake should be increased during winter months is certain areas. Certain table scraps will give your Maltese the added nutrients needed.
Table scraps could vary widely as to what type of food, and I
was refering to mainly meat or beef products and not pizza, spaghetti, etc.
or any other types of *junk food* which of course should not be fed at all
to your dog.